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峨眉丰早属蒜苔品系。贵在“早熟”,从种到收苔只需140天左右,即头年冬月底腊月初可采苔,比普通蒜苔提早60~80天采收。一般市价每公斤10~16元。四川奉节县永乐镇94年秋,13个村4317户种植面积5300余亩,同年冬月底开始收苔,市场每公斤高达12~18元,总产值达到1650元,平均亩值3113元,仅此一项人均收入750元,创历史最高纪录,成为全镇的骨干经济品种。其栽培要点如下: Emei Feng early garlic Sui strains. Expensive in “precocious”, from the species to the moss only 140 days or so, that is, the beginning of winter months at the beginning of the twelfth lunar month mining moss, 60-80 days earlier harvest than ordinary garlic. The general market price of 10 to 16 yuan per kilogram. Yongle Town, Fengjie County, Sichuan Province In the autumn of 1994, the planting area of ​​4317 households in 13 villages was over 5300 mu. At the end of the same year, winter planting began. The market was up to 12-18 yuan per kilogram, with a total output value of 1650 yuan and an average mu value of 3113 yuan The per capita income of 750 yuan, a record high, becoming the backbone of the town’s economic species. The cultivation points are as follows:
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