
来源 :农业科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xzlanxing
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近年来,野兔在我县北部山区对农,林业的为害十分严重。据调查,去年有些公社因野兔为害,85%的甘薯被毁种,13%的小麦被吃光,麦套大豆颗粒无收。山上90%的刺槐幼树因被啃食而死亡。为了控制野兔为害,保证农、林业的增产,我们于1982年春天在邓家店公社峪尔大队对野兔及其危害进行了调查和防治试验。摸清了野兔的发生规律,掌握了切实有效的防治方法,并 In recent years, rabbits in the northern mountains of my county on agriculture, forestry damage is very serious. According to the survey, some communes were haviled last year, 85% of the sweet potato was destroyed, 13% of the wheat was eaten, and the wheat seeds were not collected. Ninety percent of the black locust trees in the mountains die as a result of being gnawed. In order to control the hare damage and ensure the increase of output of agriculture and forestry, we carried out the investigation and prevention and control measures on the hare and its hazards in the spring of 1982 in the Yuer Brigade of the Commune of Dengjiadian. Find out the law of occurrence of hare, mastered the effective prevention and treatment methods, and
用带病毒的死松毛虫防治活松毛虫,成本低(每亩用费0.69元),对人畜无害,不污染环境,并且持效期长,防治效果良好。 Live pine caterpillars with the virus killed pine cate
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将待播种的谷子拌上拌种双,能有效地防治黑穗病,防治效果叶达96~100%。具体方法是:先把种子放在塑料布上或大锅里,按种子重量的5%拌入饭米汤做粘着剂,晾 The millet to be s
中国白蚁防治科技协作中心: 报来中蚁(84)字第001号《关于上报中国白蚁防治科技协作中心委员会名单的报告》收悉,经研究,同意由:(按姓氏笔划顺序) China Termite Control S
大孔径喷片(孔径1~1.5毫米)雾滴大,喷药量多,不仅耗费较大,且展布性能不好,杀虫效果较低.小孔径喷片(孔径为0.7毫米),近似超低量喷雾器,用药量低,雾滴 Large aperture jet (