Estimation of vehicle states and tire-road friction using parallel extended Kalman filtering

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangkun289
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A model-based estimator design and implementation is described in this paper to undertake combined estimation of vehicle states and tire-road friction coefficients.The estimator is designed based on a vehicle model with three degrees of freedom(3-DOF) and the dual extended Kalman filter(DEKF) technique is employed.Effectiveness of the estimation is examined and validated by comparing the outputs of the estimator with the responses of the vehicle model in CarSim in three typical road adhesion conditions(high-friction,low-friction,and joint-friction roads).Simulation results demonstrate that the DEKF estimator algorithm designed is able to obtain vehicle states(e.g.,yaw rate and roll angle) as well as road friction coefficients with reasonable accuracy. A model-based estimator design and implementation is described in this paper to undertake combined estimation of vehicle states and tire-road friction coefficients. The estimator is designed based on a vehicle model with three degrees of freedom (3-DOF) and the dual extended Kalman filter (DEKF) technique is employed. Effectiveness of the estimation of examined and validated by comparing the outputs of the estimator with the responses of the vehicle model in CarSim in three typical road adhesion conditions (high-friction, low-friction, and joint -friction roads). Simulation results demonstrate that the DEKF estimator algorithm designed to be able to obtain vehicle states (eg, yaw rate and roll angle) as well as road friction coefficients with reasonable accuracy.
总 论 中国小说观的文化坐标系/刘登阁/中国人民大学学报3/2001 也谈中国小说史的认知/刘军/牡丹江师范学院学报 2/2001 中国古代文言小说总集的类型特征/秦川/南昌大学学报2/2001 同花而异果——中国
“今年将亮剑技术战。3系以上车型全部可实现搭载直喷+涡轮增压+双离合器技术。比亚迪为此准备了很长时间。”上周,比亚迪销售公司总经理夏治冰高调爆料。  2011年的比亚迪汽车,渴望在新能源汽车战场外,再掀起一场依托于传统汽车技术革新的市场风暴。  从铁电池的研发,到电动车F3DM的投产,再到与戴姆勒成立电动车合资公司,比亚迪自2003年步入车坛以来,便把“宝”压在了新能源车上。一路走来,虽风雨交加,
目的:从JAK2/STAT5信号转导通路探讨黄芪甲苷、毛蕊异黄酮及其配伍对化疗性骨髓抑制小鼠骨髓干细胞的调控机制。方法:C57BL/6小鼠20只,雌雄各半,28~32 g。给模型组小鼠每日腹