教育制度监督并举 构建防范金融职务犯罪网络——工行广西分行抓预防促发展

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银行是风险高发的行业,也曾是职务犯罪的重灾区。为更好地贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于反腐倡廉、预防职务犯罪的指示精神,工行广西分行(以下简称区分行)党委坚持从严治党、从严治行的方针,构建防范网络,完善工作机制,全面落实教育、监督措施,标本兼治,综合治理,预防职务犯罪取得较好的成效。2003年至2005年,经济案件逐年下降,分别为起、1起、1起,没有发生50万元以上大案和副处以上领导干部案件。稳定、安全的经营环境促进了各项业务的快速、稳健发展,全行经营利润2002至2005年分别为4.31亿元、7.6亿元、.36亿元、12.7亿元,2006年1至9月达13.4亿元,一年上一个台阶。2003至2005年,在工商银行30个一级分行中,逐年排名为第14名、第13名、第8名,提前一年实现进入全国一级分行十强的目标。该行的主要做法是: Banks are industries with high risks and have also been hardest hit by job-related crimes. In order to better implement the directives of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on combating corruption and upholding integrity and preventing job-related crimes, the party committee of Guangxi branch of ICBC (hereinafter referred to as the division line) upholds the principle of strictly administering the party and strictly administering the crime and establishes a network of prevention and improvement Work mechanism, and fully implement the education, supervision measures, tackling both symptoms and root causes, comprehensive management, prevention of job-related crimes to achieve better results. From 2003 to 2005, the number of economic cases dropped year by year, from 1 up and 1 up, with no major case involving over 500,000 yuan and leading cadres above the Deputy Division. The stable and safe operating environment promoted the rapid and steady development of various businesses. The operating profit of the Bank was 431 million yuan and 760 million yuan respectively from 2002 to 2005. 3.6 billion yuan and 1.27 billion yuan respectively. From January to September 2006, it reached 1.34 billion yuan, up from a year earlier. From 2003 to 2005, among the 30 tier-one branches of ICBC, it ranked 14th, 13th and 8th respectively year by year and achieved the goal of entering the top 10 branches nationwide one year ahead of schedule. The bank’s main approach is:
蜘蛛毒素在药理学、神经生物学和医学领域已展现出广阔的应用前景,对蜘蛛毒素的研究具有重要的意义.蜘蛛毒素中神经毒素是最重要的.海南敬钊缨毛蛛(Chilobrachys jingzhao)毒
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