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2012年的春天,关于上海牌汽车的复兴问题成为了中国汽车界的街谈巷议。但在这个广为人知的汽车品牌背后,还隐现着一部部鲜为人知汽车故事,阙荣德便是这些故事中的主角之一。阙荣德,祖籍江苏无锡,1932年出生。解放前曾在上海一家绸布店当学徒,解放后进入上海市工商管理局工作,几经辗转,1964年调入上海农机公司,文革中经历了在黑龙江边境长达五年的农村插队生涯后,他于1975年成为上海拖拉机汽车研究室的主任(后为上海汽车研究所首任所长),开始SH750轿车的研发及筹建研究所工作。现在,业内已经很少有人知道SH750为何。而彼时,以仇克为代表的老一辈汽车人已经认识到了中国汽车业与欧美发达国家的差距,希望中国能够造出处于世界先进水平的汽车。正是在这种思想的指导下,阙荣德带领着他的团队从无到有,在两年时间里,试制出了两台SH750轿车样车。尽管最终没有投产,但SH750研发的过程却为中国汽车业培养了一批人才。支援引进,输送人才,上海大众第一任中方总经理方宏等骨干、上海通用泛亚技术中心中方主要领导及技术力量如设计策略组组长钟伯光,等等,皆出于此。而中国汽车史上的第一个1∶1油泥模型也在此处诞生。离开研究所后,在经历了短暂的电动车和改装车探索后,1993年,阙荣德参与组建了中国第一个汽车交易市场——上海联合汽车交易市场。其后,全国各地的汽车交易市场如雨后春笋般涌现,如北京的亚市,均是以上海联合市场为最初的样板。2012年4月12日上午,阙荣德在上海浦东新区陆家嘴世纪大道8号国金中心的丽思卡尔顿酒店大堂接受了《汽车商业评论》口述历史栏目的采访。其间,已经80岁高龄的阙老用4个小时的时间回忆了自己的汽车生涯。最后,他笑着告诉记者,自己几乎每一件事都做成功了,他感到很满足。 In the spring of 2012, the issue of the revival of the Shanghai brand car became a talk in the Chinese automobile industry. However, behind this well-known car brand, there is still a little-known car story, and Zhai Rongde is one of the protagonists of these stories. Lu Rongde, originally from Jiangsu Wuxi, was born in 1932. Before liberation, he worked as an apprentice at a Shanghai silk cloth store. After liberation he entered the Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce. After several twists and turns, he was transferred to Shanghai Agricultural Machinery Company in 1964. After a five-year rural jumper career at the Heilongjiang border in the Cultural Revolution, In 1975, he became the director of the Shanghai Tractor Vehicle Research Laboratory (later the first director of the Shanghai Automotive Research Institute) and started the research and development of the SH750 sedan. Now, few people in the industry know what the SH750 is. At that time, the older generation of motorists represented by Qiu Ke had recognized the gap between the Chinese auto industry and the developed countries in Europe and the United States and hoped that China would be able to build cars that were at the advanced level in the world. It was precisely under the guidance of this idea that Mou Rongde led his team from scratch. In two years, two prototype SH750 cars were prototyped. Although it was not finally put into production, the SH750 R&D process has trained a group of talents for the Chinese auto industry. Supporting the introduction and transfer of talents, Shanghai Volkswagen’s first Chinese general manager Fang Hong and other key players, Shanghai GM Pan Asia Technical Center’s main Chinese leaders and technical personnel such as the Design Strategy Group leader Zhong Boguang, etc. The first 1:1 sludge model in the history of Chinese automobiles was also born here. After leaving the institute, after experiencing short-lived exploration of electric vehicles and modified vehicles, in 1993, Rong Rongde took part in the formation of China’s first automobile trading market—Shanghai United Automotive Trading Market. Since then, auto trading markets across the country have sprung up, such as Beijing’s Asian city, which is based on Shanghai’s joint market as the initial model. On the morning of April 12, 2012, Rong Rongde accepted an interview with the Oral History Section of the “Automotive Business Review” in the lobby of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel at No. 8 Lujiazui Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai. In the meantime, the 80-year-old Ms. Lao recalled his car career in 4 hours. In the end, he smiled and told reporters that he had succeeded in almost everything. He was very satisfied.
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