
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhmlyj
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黎母山的火焰兰,是海南的野生兰花之一。分布于19°N,109°E,海拔100米——1000米的黎母山原始森林中。年平均气温23℃——24℃,年降水量2500毫米——3000毫米,年平均相对湿度82%——84%。喜高温多湿热带雨林中生长。火焰兰附生在树干上和崖石边,蔓长一般2-3米,有的可攀缘到6米高的树顶上。叶片长度10-15公分,叶片宽度2公分左右,叶基部有槽形紧紧地裹住茎部。花为分生花序,有耀眼的红花花序,每穗花序上有100朵-150多朵花,花序水平地展开,成为一团引入往目的鲜红火焰。每朵花直径约10公分,萼片和花瓣上有许多黄色斑点。一年开一次 Lim mountain flame Flame, Hainan is one of the wild orchids. Located at 19 ° N, 109 ° E, 100 meters above sea level - 1000 meters Limu mountain forests. The annual average temperature of 23 ℃ - 24 ℃, the annual rainfall of 2500 mm - 3000 mm, the average annual relative humidity of 82% - 84%. Hi hot and humid tropical rain forest growth. Flame orchid attached to the tree trunk and cliff edge, the general growth of 2-3 meters, some can be climbed to 6 meters above the top of the tree. Leaf length of 10-15 cm, leaf width of 2 cm or so, the base of the leaf has a trough tightly wrapped stems. Flowers for the inflorescence inflorescence, with dazzling safflower inflorescence on each flower there are 100 -150 more than flowers, inflorescence level to expand, as a group into the purpose of bright red flame. Each flower is about 10 cm in diameter, with many yellow spots on the sepals and petals. Open once a year
YPH9红平菇是一株适宜我国南北气候特点,春夏秋时节均可随地开放接种,就地粗放栽培的广谱、多抗、高产型红平菇良种。 一、特征特性 YPH9红平菇双核菌丝洁白浓密,粗 YPH9 r
图像在水平方向上不规则扭动,图像边缘也是参差不齐的这种故障,多发于集成电路机器。下面以采用P-24集成电路的31厘米黑白机为例分析行扭的原因。 1.行鉴相器故障:集成块HA1
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。毛主席@仲兆鼐 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Chairman Mao Zh
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