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今年5月,在深圳,出现了这样的场面: 红领巾们把1万多元捐款送到市人民医院,“丛飞叔叔,你一定要挺过去!”。病房外,几十位残疾人把轮椅推到玻璃窗前:“我们不打扰他治疗,只是想让他看到,有这么多朋友惦记他,为他祝福……”市委书记李鸿忠在病房拥抱他,含泪在耳边悄悄说:“乖,听医生的话,听话就一定能‘重飞’。” May this year, in Shenzhen, there was such a scene: red scarf who donated more than 10,000 yuan to the Municipal People’s Hospital, “Uncle Cong Fei, you must quite survive!” Outside the ward, dozens of handicapped people push their wheelchairs up to the window: “We do not bother him for treatment, just want him to see that there are so many friends who remember him and wish him a blessing.” Party Secretary Li Hongzhong hugged him in the ward , Tears in the ear quietly said: “good, listen to the doctor, obedient to be able to ’fly.’”
嵌合抗原受体修饰T细胞(Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell,CAR T)已成为难治性复发B细胞非霍奇金淋巴瘤(Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma,NHL)的有效治疗手段,此背景下其毒副作用的