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  为了使开发区能更好地为投资者服务,昆山开发区提出了要建设工业制造中心、科技研发中心、现代物流中心的目标,发挥优越的地理交通优势和产业链优势,努力建成最低交易成本的投资区域,并且提出了让投资者在昆山开发区“感觉什么都方便”“感觉离家不太远”的服务新理念。今年7月,昆山开发区通过了ISO14001环境质量体系的认证;昆山在已经获得国家环境保护模范城市的基础上,正在建设国家园林城市;为IT 产业配套,昆山在城市西郊森林公园边缘规划建设的大学城正在迅速崛起。
  Knushan Builds Ideal Environment for Investment and Living
  By xu Hongsheng
  Kunshan Economic and Technological Development Zone (KETDZ) lies in the heart of the Yangtze River delta, one of the most developed and vibrant areas of China. It covers 77 square kilometers in area.
  By June 2002, the zone had approved a cumulative total of 865 foreign-funded enterprises involving altogether a contractual foreign investment of US$7.7 billion, of which US$3.2 had actually been realized. Of the foreign-funded enterprises in the zone, 207 involve a foreign investment of more than US$10 million each. Investors have come from 36 countries and regions in the world.
   In the last few years, development of the IT industry has been especially rapid in the Kunshan zone. In fact, Kunshan has become an important production base in a new-emerging electronics and information industrial belt in the Yangtze River delta area. According to an estimate, when investment projects now under construction go into production, the Kunshan development zone will have annual production capacities of 10 million notebook computers, 10 million cell phones and 10 million digital cameras. In addition, a fairly complete IT industrial chain comprising both upstream and downstream operations has taken shape in the zone.
  A number of special-purpose districts have been established in the Kunshan development zone. In the Export-Oriented Processing District, which has mainly attracted new- and high-tech processing enterprises, policies meant for bonded zones are applied. The Science and Technology Business Startup Center, a business incubator, has played host to technology-incubating and software development projects. The center hosts a post-doctorate research station. The Huaqiao International Commercial District is close to a freeway as well as Shanghai‘s Anting, home of big carmaker Shanghai Volkswagen. This district mainly attracts logistics, warehousing, exhibition and foreign trade firms. In addition, there are a Japan Industrial Park and a Microelectronic Industrial Park in the development zone. After years of development, the development zone is now home to a large concentration of new- and high-tech enterprises and has been the engine driving economic development throughout Kunshan city.
  In 2001, in an evaluation of the 49 state-level development zones throughout the country by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the Kunshan development zone ranked first in operational cost, second in social and environmental indicators and fourth in comprehensive investment environment. In an evaluation of ten major development zones conducted by the prestigious Zero Point Investigation Co. in April, 2002, Kunshan ranked second in both the hardware and software aspects of investment environment. And in an evaluation of 50 established enterprises from each of the development zones surveyed, those from Kunshan came out on top in terms of overall performance.
  The Kunshan development zone is now striving for the best in terms of investment environment and living environment. The zone‘s goal is to build itself into a manufacturing center, a science and technology research center, and a modern logistics center. Relying on its superior geographical location and efficient management, it hopes to become an investment area boasting the lowest trading cost in the country. And the zone administration has called for providing the best services to investors in the zone. "Conditions in Kunshan should be such as to let investors in the zone have all the conveniences of life and feel at home," an official with the administration says.
  In July Kunshan development zone passed ISO14001 certification for environment. The zone is building itself into a garden-like city on the basis of its status as a model city in environmental protection. Kunshan is an ideal place not only for investment but also for living.■
尊重生命,我们获得生命的礼赞;尊重生活,我们享受生活的美好。卑微的灵魂因为尊重而不再卑微,不屈的灵魂因为尊重而获得崇敬;丑恶的灵魂因为尊重将放弃丑恶,美好的灵魂将因尊重而获得新生。    面对权贵,我们或许会投去羡慕的目光,但我们绝不会低下头颅,因为我们尊重自己;面对贫穷,我们或许会怨天尤人,但我们绝不会因此失去生活的信心,因为我们尊重生活;面对弱者,我们或许会庆幸自己的处境,但我们绝不会吝啬我们
【正】郑州经济技术开发区内设工业区、仓储区、混合区、生活区等四个功能区域,是河南省唯一的国家级经济技术开发区。 截至目前,在12.49平方公里的规划区域内,基础设施覆盖