Simulation on Dispersion and Birefringence Properties of Photonic Crystal Fiber

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Combination of full-vector finite element method with anisotropic perfectly matched layers results in a novel structure of low-dispersion photonic crystal fiber with high birefringence. The negative dispersion can be obtained at a wavelength of 1.55 μm by adjusting the lattice constant Λ and the round air hole diameter d. Numerical results show that the dispersion variation is negative in the C band, the dispersion slope values are between 0.112 and 0.142 ps·km-1·nm-2 over the C band, and the birefringence is 5.7×10-3.
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提出并设计了650 nm波段的全复合材料倒脊型马赫曾德尔热光开关,优化了该热光开关的主要参数,并利用COMSOL和Rsoft软件对器件传输效果进行了理论模拟。该有机无机复合材料为实验室自主合成。由于材料主体为Si-O-Ti刚性无机骨架,热稳定性效果得到提高,并具有较高的热光系数。改变材料中Ti的含量以改变材料的折射率,制得两种不同折射率的该材料,分别作为芯和包层。该材料具有好的成膜特性和可加工性,制作工艺简单。该器件损耗低,并且具有潜在的传感应用。对制作的热光开关进行了测试,得到了良好的近场输出光斑,插入