Self-assembly of Carboxyl Functionalized Polystyrene Nano-spheres into Close-packed Monolayers via C

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mm109700
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The polyacrylic acid functionalized polystyrene nanospheres were synthesized and self-assembled into irregular, densely packed monolayers in non-aqueous media. The polymer nanoparticles were chemically adhered to sub-strates. The morphologies of the resulting films were investigated. The impact of the volume fraction of alcohol in the mixed solvents on the particle adsorption and fabrication of nanosphere assembled films was examined. The polyacrylic acid functionalized polystyrene nanospheres were synthesized and self-assembled into irregular, densely packed monolayers in non-aqueous media. The polymer nanoparticles were chemically adhered to sub-strates. The morphologies of the resulting films were investigated. The impact of the volume fraction of alcohol in the mixed solvents on the particle adsorption and fabrication of nanosphere assembled films was examined.
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