
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dmj_66666
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Aim: To determine the efficacy and safety of perfluorocarbon liquid as a short term postoperative tamponade in patients with retinal detachment from giant retinal tears. Method: A retrospective consecutive case series of patients with retinal detachment from giant retinal tears who underwent vitrectomy using perfluorocarbon liquid as a short term postoperative internal tamponade. The perfluorocarbon liquid was removed 5- 14 days (mean 7.5 days) later and replaced by gas or silicone oil. Scleral buckling was performed in some cases with proliferative vitreoretinopathy. The crystalline lens was removed if there was interference with the surgical view or if it was subluxated. The success rate of retinal reattachment, visual outcome, and postoperative complications were assessed. Results: A total of 62 eyes of 61 patients with a follow up of 8- 69 months (mean 24.5 months) were included. All retinas were attached intraoperatively. 14 eyes (22.6% ) developed re-detachment and additional operations were performed in 13 eyes. At final visit, 58 eyes (93.5% ) had retinas that remained attached with visual acuity 6/12 or better in 27 eyes (46.5% ). The visual acuity improved in 34 eyes (54.8% ) with 28 eyes (45.2% ) improving at least two Snellen lines, it was unchanged in 20 eyes (32.3% ), and was worse in eight eyes (12.9% ). Three patients developed glaucoma that was controlled medically. There was no retained perfluorocarbon liquid in any eyes. Conclusion: Perfluorocarbon liquid appears safe and effective to use as a short term postoperative tamponade in management of retinal detachment from giant retinal tears. Aim: To determine the efficacy and safety of perfluorocarbon liquid as a short term postoperative tamponade in patients with retinal detachment from giant retinal tears. Method: A retrospective consecutive case series of patients with retinal detachment from giant retinal tears who underwent vitrectomy using perfluorocarbon liquid as The short term postoperative internal tamponade. The perfluorocarbon liquid was removed 5- 14 days (mean 7.5 days) later and replaced by gas or silicone oil. Scleral buckling was performed in some cases with proliferative vitreoretinopathy. The crystalline lens was removed if there was interference with the surgical view or if it was subluxated. The success rate of retinal reattachment, visual outcome, and postoperative complications were assessed. Results: A total of 62 eyes of 61 patients with a follow up of 8- 69 months (mean 24.5 months) were included. All retinas were attached intraoperatively. 14 eyes (22.6%) developed re-detachment and additional ope At final visit, 58 eyes (93.5%) had retinas that remained attached with visual acuity 6/12 or better in 27 eyes (46.5%). The visual acuity improved in 34 eyes (54.8%) with It was unchanged in 20 eyes (32.3%), and was worse in eight eyes (12.9%). Three patients developed glaucoma that was controlled medically. There was no retained perfluorocarbon liquid in any eyes. Conclusion: Perfluorocarbon liquid appears safe and effective to use as a short term postoperative tamponade in management of retinal detachment from giant retinal tears.
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进入新世纪以来,在云南省委、省政府和红河州委、州政府的正确领导下,全州各级各部门紧紧围绕全面建设红河小康社会的宏伟目标,聚精会神搞建设,励精图治求发展,经济社 Since
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继2006年10月河南省委办公厅印发《乡镇机构和人员编制管理办法》,提出规范全省乡镇机构和人员编制管理,减轻财政负担,提高行政效能,巩固 Following the promulgation of th