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对上海市静安区三个有代表性居委的2005名社区老年人的健康状况进行了多维评估。结果表明,社区老年人中40.6%有不同程度的健康功能障碍,各种慢性病患病率高达78.7%,其中以高血压病患病率最高,为32.3%,以下依次为心脏病(26.8%),消化系统疾病(26.1%),关节炎及风湿(25.2%),慢性阻塞性肺病(14.6%);21.6%的老年人有轻中度日常活动能力障碍,2.5%有重度及完全障碍;8.4%有精神健康功能障碍;29.1%有社会健康功能障碍,29.9%有经济资源障碍,综合健康功能评估结果为42.24%的社区老年人健康状况优良,46.0%一般,11.3%较差。影响老年人群综合健康功能的主要因素有慢性病患病种数及其主观影响程度,年龄,性别,文化程度,婚姻,职业,是否参加体育锻炼、社会或娱乐活动等。通过比较不同居委老年人的健康状况和比较不同健康状况或患有慢性病的老年人群的卫生服务需求,可为制定卫生政策,合理分配卫生资源,防治慢性病和加强社区卫生服务等提供依据。 A multi-dimensional assessment of the health status of 2005 community-based elderly in three representative neighborhood committees in Jing’an District, Shanghai was carried out. The results showed that 40.6% of elderly people in the community had various degrees of health dysfunction, the prevalence rate of various chronic diseases was as high as 78.7%, the highest prevalence rate of hypertension was 32.3%, followed by heart disease (26.8%), , Digestive diseases (26.1%), arthritis and rheumatism (25.2%) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (14.6%). 21.6% of the elderly had mild to moderate daily mobility disorders and 2.5% had severe and complete disorders 29.1% had social health dysfunction, 29.9% had economic resource obstacle, and 42.24% of comprehensive health function evaluation result showed that the elderly in community had good health condition, 46.0% in general and 11.3% in poor condition. The main factors affecting the comprehensive health function of the elderly are the number of patients with chronic diseases and their subjective influence, age, gender, educational level, marriage, occupation, whether to participate in physical exercise, social or recreational activities. By comparing the health status of older residents in different neighborhoods and comparing the health service needs of elderly people with different health conditions or with chronic diseases, it can provide the basis for formulating health policies, rationally allocating health resources, preventing chronic diseases and strengthening community health services.
对于不等距重复观测数据,本文讨论了建立正交多项式回归模型进行组间比较的统计方法,并用自编软件RMDA得以实现.医学实例分析结果表明,本文提出的方法简单实用. For non-equidistant
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古希腊神话里的悲剧人物薛西弗斯,被诸神诅咒,在地狱中不断地推着巨石上山,然后又让巨石滚下山,然后再推上来,这种徒劳无功、毫无指望的苦役是最可怕的惩罚了! 其实在这个纷
本实验利用放线菌酮建造细胞凋亡动物模型 ,用原位末端标记和电镜方法观察了大鼠肠系膜淋巴结淋巴细胞凋亡的形态学变化。结果显示放线菌酮处理 4h后 ,肠系膜淋巴结部分淋巴