改革教法 加强历史课堂练习

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对于目前历史教学质量的状况,多数教师心中是有底的。存在的问题涉及许多方面。就教法而育,首先是期待教师认真研究学生的“学”,把教学的注意点转移到“引导”方面。其次,怎样落实教学目的、任务是关键问题。教师应根据教材的内容,特点去研究,运用不同的教法。课堂教学采用“精讲精练,边讲边练,讲练结合”的教法,既体现以教师为主导,以学生为主体的原则,也是教学要贯彻“三个面向”的重要手段。我想侧重就后者谈点自己的意见。讲练结合的教法比传统教法注意了“精练”,把“精练”引进课内,促进了课堂教 For the current situation of the quality of history teaching, most teachers have a bottom in their hearts. The problems that exist involve many aspects. To educate on the teaching method, the first is to expect teachers to seriously study the student’s “learning” and shift the teaching’s attention to the “guidance” aspect. Second, how to implement teaching objectives and tasks is a key issue. Teachers should study and use different teaching methods based on the content and characteristics of the teaching materials. Classroom teaching adopts the teaching method of “refinement and conciseness, teaching while speaking, and teaching and practice”, which not only embodies the principle of being teacher-oriented and student-centered, but also an important means for teaching to implement the “three orientations”. I want to focus on the latter to talk about my own opinion. The teaching method of teaching and practicing combined with the traditional teaching method pays more attention to “concise training” and introduces “refining” into the classroom, which promotes classroom teaching.
初中《植物学》课本中用在沙箱中培养幼苗的方法,证明根系向水生长。我在教学中改用了用试管培养幼苗的方法,结果证明这个方法简单易行,现象明显,每个学生都可以动手。 The
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一个学校教学质量的高低,关键在于师资水平的高低.做为校长要使学校办得有特色,就要千方百计、持之以恒地开发教师的智能. 提高师资水平的方法、途径是多方面的,既要有长期
长期以来,关于化学平衡常数量纲问题一直争论不休。有人认为化学平衡常数具有量纲;有人认为不具有量纲,比如对于下面理想气体的可逆化学反应体系: For a long time, the is