Controllable synthesis of polyoxometalates nanocubes and their specific interactions with prion prot

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiandancaozuo
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It is found that Keggin-type of polyoxometalates nanocubes could be formed in aqueous medium under the adjustment of dimethylformamide (DMF),and could be changed from solid nanocubes to hollow ones with increasing temperature. Further investigations show that this Keggin-type of polyoxometalates nanocubes can specifically interact with prion protein,and the light scattering signals are en-hanced in proportion to the content of prion in the range of 3.36―840 ng·mL-1. It is found that Keggin-type of polyoxometalates nanocubes could be formed in aqueous medium under the adjustment of dimethylformamide (DMF), and could be changed from solid nanocubes to hollow ones with increasing temperature. Further investigations show that this Keggin-type of polyoxometalates nanocubes can specifically interact with prion protein, and the light scattering signals are en-hanced in proportion to the content of prion in the range of 3.36-840 ng · mL-1.
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