Synthesis and characterization of Sr_3Al_2O_6:Eu~(2+), Dy~(3+) phosphors prepared by sol-gel-combust

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A type of red luminescent Sr3Al2O6:Eu2+, Dy3+ phosphor powder is synthesised by sol-gel-combustion processing, with metal nitrates used as the source of metal ions and citric acid as a chelating agent of metal ions. By tracing the formation process of the sol-gel, it is found that it is necessary to reduce the amount of NO3- by dropping ethanol into the solution for forming a stable and homogeneous sol-gel. Thermogravimetric and Differential Scanning Calorimeter Analysis, x-ray diffractionmeter, scanning electron microscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy are used to investigate the luminescent properties of the as-synthesised Sr3Al2O6:Eu2+, Dy3+. The results reveal that the Sr3Al2O6 crystallises completely when the combustion ash is sintered at 1250 C. The excitation and the emission spectra indicate that the excitation broadband lies mainly in a visible range and the phosphors emit a strong light at 618 nm under the excitation of 472 nm. The afterglow of (Sr0.94Eu0.03Dy0.03)3Al2O6 phosphors sintered at 1250 ℃ lasts for over 1000 s when the excited source is cut off. A type of red luminescent Sr3Al2O6: Eu2 +, Dy3 + phosphor powder is synthesized by sol-gel-combustion processing, with metal nitrates used as the source of metal ions and citric acid as a chelating agent of metal ions. By tracing the formation process of the sol-gel, it is found that it is necessary to reduce the amount of NO3- by dropping ethanol into the solution for forming a stable and homogeneous sol-gel. Thermogravimetric and Differential Scanning Calorimeter Analysis, x-ray diffraction meter, scanning electron microscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy are used to investigate the luminescent properties of the as-synthesized Sr3Al2O6: Eu2 +, Dy3 +. The results reveal that the Sr3Al2O6 crystallises completely when the combustion ash is sintered at 1250 C. The excitation and the emission spectra indicate that the broadband broadband lies mainly in a visible range and the phosphors emit a strong light at 618 nm under the excitation of 472 nm. The afterglow of (Sr0.94Eu0.03Dy0.03) 3Al2O6 phosphors sintered at 1250 ℃ lasts for over 1000 s when the excited source is cut off.
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