Computational Research on Modular Undulating Fin for Biorobotic Underwater Propulsor

来源 :Journal of Bionics Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangshan1017
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Biomimetic design employs the principles of nature to solve engineering problems. Such designs which are hoped to be quick,efficient,robust,and versatile,have taken advantage of optimization via natural selection. In the present research,an environment-friendly propulsion system mimicking undulating fins of stingray was built. A non-conventional method was considered to model the flexibility of the fins of stingray. A two-degree-of-freedom mechanism comprised of several linkages was designed and constructed to mimic the actual flexible fin. The driving linkages were used to form a mechanical fin con-sisting of several fin segments,which are able to produce undulations,similar to those produced by the actual fins. Owing to the modularity of the design of the mechanical fin,various undulating patterns can be realized. Some qualitative observations,obtained by experiments,predicted that the thrusts produced by the mechanical fin are different among various undulating patterns. To fully understand this experimental phenomenon is very important for better performance and energy saving for our biorobotic underwater propulsion system. Here,four basic undulating patterns of the mechanical fin were performed using two-dimensional unsteady computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. An unstructured,grid-based,unsteady Navier-Stokes solver with automatic adaptive re-meshing was used to compute the unsteady flow around the fin through twenty complete cycles. The pressure distribution on fin surface was computed and integrated to provide fin forces which were decomposed into lift and thrust. The pressure force and friction force were also computed throughout the swimming cycle. Finally,vortex contour maps of these four basic fin undulating patterns were displayed and compared. Biomimetic design employs the principles of nature to solve engineering problems. Such designs which are hoped to be quick, efficient, robust, and versatile, have taken advantage of optimization via natural selection. In the present research, an environment-friendly propulsion system mimicking undulating fins of stingray was built. A non-conventional method was considered to model the flexibility of the fins of stingray. A two-degree-of-freedom mechanism represented of several linkages was designed and constructed to mimic the actual flexible fin. The driving linkages were used to form a mechanical fin con-sisting of several fin segments, which are able to produce undulations, similar to those produce by the actual fins. Owing to the modularity of the design of the mechanical fin, various undulating patterns can be realized. Some qualitative observations, obtained by experiments, predicted that the thrusts produced by the mechanical fin are different among various undulating patterns. To fully un derstand this experimental phenomenon is very important for better performance and energy saving for our biorobotic underwater propulsion system. Here, four basic undulating patterns of the mechanical fin were performed using two-dimensional unsteady computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. An unstructured, grid- based, unsteady Navier-Stokes solver with automatic adaptive re-meshing was used to compute the unsteady flow around the fin through twenty complete cycles. The pressure distribution on fin surface was computed and integrated to provide fin forces which were decomposed into lift and thrust. The pressure force and friction force were also computed throughout the swimming cycle. Finally, vortex contour maps of these four basic fin undulating patterns were displayed and compared.
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