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舆论监督的重要性,每家地州市报都有比较深刻的认识,但真正起来,却有这样那样诸多的顾虑。中央和省里的一些大报,他们来头大,报道的空间广,搞舆论监督受到的压力和干扰少。而地州市报则不同,其所监督的不良现象都发生在身边,都是本地区自家的事,监督起来总是不那么超脱。况且,地州市报本身也是这个小社会的一员,与机关各单位都有千丝万缕的联系,得罪了哪一家都可能使报社的利益受损。受到地域限制,地州市报收入的好坏,广告的多少,往往就靠这有限的订数。而且,在目前情况下,多数地州市报的发行还是计划发行,订阅靠公费,如果你批评曝光了哪个单位,哪个单位就可能以不订你的报纸相威胁。假如一家地州市报的订户多数在农村,那就更麻烦了。如果你曝光了一个乡镇的事,那么,这个乡镇的领导以为丢了面子,政绩受到了影响,一声令下,成百上千的订数就没有了。本来发行面就窄的地州市报一旦丢失了一个乡镇的订户,其损失是显而易见的。由于摸清了 The importance of public opinion supervision, each city newspaper has a more profound understanding, but in fact, there are so many concerns. Some big newspapers at the central and provincial levels have come a long way and reportedly have ample room for them. They have been pressured and interfered with by public opinion supervision. The state newspaper, however, is different from what it has seen. All the bad phenomena under its supervision happen to me. They are all matters of their own in the region and are not always oversight. Moreover, the Dazhou Daily is itself a member of this small community, inextricably linked with all units of the government and offended which one may damage the interests of the newspaper. Due to geographical constraints, the income of the prefectural city newspaper is good or bad, and the amount of advertising often depends on this limited number of orders. Moreover, under the current circumstances, the distribution of most state newspapers is still planned to be issued and subscribed to public funds. If you criticize which unit has been exposed, which unit may be threatened without your newspaper. If a prefecture newspaper subscribers are mostly in rural areas, then it is even more troublesome. If you expose a township issue, then the leader of the township thinks it has lost face and political performance has been affected. At a single order, hundreds or thousands of orders are gone. Losses of the township subscribers, once lost in a narrowly distributed state newspaper, have been obvious. Due to find out
假期生活秀小编语:一眨眼,寒假结束了,大家的寒假是怎样度过的呢?这里展示了各地学生在假期参加活动的照片,让我们共同分享一下他们有趣的假期生活吧! Vacation life show X
新世纪伊始,省委组织部召开了全省干部监督工作 会议。会议传达了全国干部监督工作会议精神,按照江 泽民同志“三个代表”的重要思想,认真分析和研究了我 省干部监督工作形势,对