掌握意识形态斗争主动权 重大问题不能含糊遮掩

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2014年11月5日,中国社会科学报第二版刊载《绝不允许砸共产党的锅》(署名卫鸿),报道了11月2日的“掌握意识形态斗争主动权理论座谈会”。此会由中国红色文化研究会、中国政治学学会科学发展与政治和谐专业委员举办。文章指出:近年来,意识形态工作的内外 On November 5, 2014, the second edition of the Chinese Social Science Bulletin published the “Never-Happen Communist Party Pot” (signed by Wei Hong) and reported on November 2 “Symposium on Mastery of Initiative Theory in Ideological Struggle” . This will be held by the China Red Culture Research Association, China Political Science Society of scientific development and political harmony professional members. The article points out: In recent years, both inside and outside of ideological work
BACKGROUND:Neonatal cerebral palsy is mainly caused by prenatal factors.At present, an animal model of prenatal infection and early postnatal hypoxia does not e
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