丈母娘逼我走上创业路 一年后买车买房娶老婆

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逆境,是人生的一笔宝贵财富,很感谢丈母娘当时的苦逼,让我走上创业路,并获得了成功。我和老婆是大学同学,谈恋爱时,丈母娘就不同意,说我穷小子一个,根本给不了她女儿幸福。就在我们谈婚论嫁的时候,丈母娘发话了:一年内不买房子买车甭想娶我闺女。我当时听了,心里别提有多难受了。我默默地离开,一路上,丈母娘那鄙夷是眼神历历在目,回到自己租来的房子里,我一夜没合眼。思来想去,觉得丈母娘说的也不是没道理,就凭我现在的收入维持日常开销都捉襟见肘。将心比心,当妈的哪个不希望自己女儿嫁给一个经济条件好的男人,过上衣食 Adversity is a valuable asset in life. I am very grateful to my wife’s hardships at that time, and let me embark on the entrepreneurial road and succeed. My wife and I were university classmates. When I fell in love, my mother-in-law disagreed and said that I was poor and could not give her daughter happiness. Just when we talked about marrying, the mother-in-law sent a speech: I wouldn’t buy a house to buy a car in one year and would like to marry my niece. I listened at the time and I didn’t mention how uncomfortable my heart was. I left silently. On the way, my mother-in-law was guilty of seeing her eyes and returning to her rented house. I did not close my eyes overnight. After thinking about it, I feel that my mother-in-law is not unreasonable. I rely on my current income to keep up with my daily expenses. Compared to the heart, when the mother does not want his daughter to marry a man with good economic conditions, over clothes
In March Ⅰpaid my first visit to the famed Firm & Pure Residence of Master Qigong. Qigong has an inkstand with a motto carved on it: Ⅰlearn from a rock for it
将下列各句译成汉语,注意这几个词的用法和译法的差别: 1.They wanted to visit the park again,though they had been there many times. 2.Smith wants very much to see
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