
来源 :新疆地方志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amoyzhu
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1990年1月15日下午,胡乔木同志在上海听取上海市地方志编纂委员会主任委员钟民、上海市地方志办公室主任吴云溥关于上海修志工作的汇报时指出,《上海市志》的编纂,是一件大事,是一项非常大的工程,会造成很大的影响,希望努力提高质量,严格要求,力争达到高水平。 On the afternoon of January 15, 1990, Comrade Hu Qiaomu listened to Zhong Min, chairman of the Shanghai Local Records Compilation Committee, and Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Local Records Office Wu Yunpu in his report on the work of Shanghai Chi Chi in Shanghai on the afternoon of January 15. It is a piece of compilation of “Shanghai Zhi” A major event is a very large project and will have a huge impact. We hope that efforts will be made to improve quality and strict requirements and strive to achieve a high standard.
由抚顺市气象局王业勤、于旭民编写的《抚顺市志》综合分册中的抚顺气候和气象灾害两章,于去年年底在抚顺通过了有关专家的评审. 专家们认为:“气候、气象灾害两部分志稿,在
  The parameterization of an ecosystem model can be greatly improved by the assimilation of multiple observatory datasets.But different observations can make