Video Advertisements’Realizations of Intertextuality

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  【Abstract】This paper selects two texts of the same genre, one in Chinese and one in English, and compare their realizations of intertextuality. Besides, the similar and different points are analyzed. Eventually, some possible reasons for these equalities and diversities are presented.
  【Key words】Realizations of Intertextuality; Video Advertisements; Equalities and Diversities
  1. Introduction
  Advertising text is a kind of communicative action, which aims at a certain social function and purpose, happening in a specific social cultural context. Because of its openness and inclusion, the characteristic of intertextuality is particularly prominent. Besides, more analysis on video advertisement catches up with the rapid development of dynamic media in society. Advertisements in video type and their realizations of intertextuality will be the object of the study.
  This paper chooses two entries of video advertisements on the same topic to analyze their realization of intertextuality. It is found that various methods are used such as imitation, irony and pun, which is the main common point in the Chinese and English versions. However, different cultural backgrounds lead to their diversity in intertextuality. All these analyses are significant for international promotion.
  2. Intertextuality and its Applications
  Intertextuality is a notion advanced by Julia Kristeva in the 1960s. She proposed that “any text is constructed of a mosaic of quotations; any text is the absorption and transformation of another...”(Kristeva, 1980). The concept of intertexuality points to the productivity of texts, to how texts can transform prior texts and restructure existing conventions (genres, discourses) to generate new ones. Intertextuality is basically defined as texts in relation to other texts. There is a continual “dialogue” between the text given and other texts that exist outside it (Wales, 1997). As Hatim and Mason said in 2001 that every text is constructed as a mosaic of citations; every text is an absorption and transformation of other texts. Indeed, it is seen to be a necessary requirement for successful communication since a text is always in a “dialogue” with other texts. Other scholars such as Bakhtin, Roland Barthes, Fairclough, Jacques Derrida and Don Fowler etc. all hold similar opinions despite of some distinguishing perspectives or methods.
  Hartman (1981) depicts intertextuality as a tricky and seductive form of inclusion. Then a type of transtextuality is related to hypertextuality in Gerard Genette’ Palimpsests (1977). He thought that intertextuality is a relationship of copresence between two texts or among several texts. The Chinese scholar, Huang Lijun pointed out that texts can never be understood or analyzed in isolation and they can only be understood in relation to webs of other texts and in relation to the social context.   And according to Lin Wei and Yang Yuchen’s English Discourse Analysis in 2007, there are four main methods to realize the intertextuality of a discourse, namely imitation, plagiarism, parody and irony. Then some more specific ways in these four methods could be distinguished from each other.
  The applications of intertextuality involve fiction and nonfiction genres. While advertisements have been talked about for many years, for instance commercial and public advertisements, most of them are limited by the static printed types. Concerning the rapid development of dynamic video media, it is necessary to take a much broader sense of dialogue and it is badly needed to analyze video advertisements as this paper will try in the following parts.
  3. Data for Analysis
  This paper chooses two entries of video advertisements as the samples to analyze. They deal with the same topic of proposing carbonated drink, respectively Sprite (雪碧) in Chinese and Pepsi (百事) in English. The video versions are downloaded from the internet at around 20:19 on 15th December, 2012 by the program iTudou.
  Using scenes to “speak” is the main characteristic of video advertisement and also there are some significant lines to point out the main idea. Intertextuality is applied in these scenes and lines. In this part the most important lines will be collected as data and those scenes and analysis will be given in the forth part.
  [Ad of Sprite in Chinese]
  透心凉 心飞扬
  By 林俊杰,Se7en,何洁
  口号:“透心凉 心飞扬”
  [Ad of Pepsi in English]
  Background information: “Manchester vs. Juventus”
  Theme: “At the mercy of a coin toss”
  The Referee: “Heads or tails?”
  Slogan: “Ask for more!”
  4. The realization of the intertextuality in these two advertisements respectively
  [Ad of Sprite in Chinese]
  This advertisement takes place in a desert which is full of sand and appears no other color but sandy. And together with it the visual effect of twisting air both gives people a feel of being hot, dry and thirsty. Then the actors and actress, who wear in the same color with the appearance of Sprite, bright yellow and green, attract people’s eyesight. The emerge of Sprite and the theme song gives the viewers a strong impact of being light, quick, springy and the most importantly cool.   Then an obvious imitation is just around the corner. The actors and actress even as well as their dog dive, surf and swim in the sand as if there were cool water. The splashing waves and pleasant melody are all associated with feeling cool, refreshing and comfortable in high summer.
  The theme song containing the slogan is the feature of the advertisement. Its lines and melody have not only aroused sympathy among the viewers, especially the younger ones of them, but also shown aesthetic and auditory appeal. Meanwhile, the imitation of diving makes it can be sensed to fertilize the product.
  [Ad of Pepsi in English]
  The advertisement happens in a football field before the match between Manchester and Juventus. The stands are packed of enthusiastic fans who are singing loudly. Rhythmic applauses, fanatic cheers, gorgeous fireworks and famous football stars all evoke people’s energy and passion. Then in the preparation room, the referee is trying buying Pepsi with coins from a vending machine but the Pepsis are always took by some other stars, which means Pepsi is popular among these energetic men.
  On the contrary to those handsome stars, the referee’s slightly exaggerated expressions and sneaky actions form a black humor. Finally he succeeds in getting a Pepsi with his last coin. The satisfactory on his face give people an impression of desiring it. Football, fans, stars and final satisfactory are all associated with energy, enthusiasm and aspiration.
  However, it would be a common advertisement without the next scene. The high tide of it comes when the match begins and the referee needs a coin to play “heads or tails” so as to decide which side gets the ball first. Unfortunately, he has used up his coin in order to get a bottle of Pepsi. At this time after his exaggerated response to this accident, the slogan comes out “Ask for more”. And it does not mention the brand name, but the brand mark appears as the letter O. It does not only mean the coin but Pepsi, which is a pun. People’s ridicule and the referee’s embarrassment all show a typical Chaplin’s humor, which realize the intertextuality ingeniously. In a word, this advertisement uses pun, irony and imitation to realize its intertextuality.
  5.The equality and diversity of the two
  Both of the two advertisements choose a certain situation to anchor the products’ characteristics and their meaning. Although the scenes they choose are quite different, the main choices of actors and actress (pop singers and football stars) are all popular among their own culture, which makes it much easier to obtain the sense of identity and acceptance by the viewers. From that perspective, we could draw a conclusion that, their realization of the intertextuality is in close accordance with their respectively distinctive cultural backgrounds and the target groups.   Whether directly state the brand names of the two similar products is the main diversity of these two advertisements. At the end of the Chinese one, the brand name Sprite is directly spoke out together with its slogan, while Pepsi does not do the same thing, which highlights the better use of intertextuality in the English one. And it is the indirect promotion that makes the advertisement more interesting and worthy retrospecting.
  6.Possible reasons for those similar and different points
  Though people’s preferences may be quite different in different culture, human’s basic needs are likely the same. Thus, pursing similar experiences and feelings is the main method to realize the intertextuality and parody as well as pun is very useful in the process of building familiar scenes and anchoring meanings in video advertisements.
  Yet distinctive cultures can influence people’s likes and dislikes. Also the same thing or scene will inspire contradictory emotions in different groups. Therefore, especial advertisements for the same product are necessary for those groups from different culture backgrounds. During the designing, the realization of intertextuality and its method must be fully considered.
  In both of the advertisement, the designers take fully consideration of national cultures and the personalities and preferences of the target group, which are the base of realizing intertextuality. Then during the realization, various methods are used to get the aim such as imitation, irony, pun and so on. These two have much equality in the method while the cultural background determines their diversity.
  [1]Genette, G. Palimpsests: Literature in the second degree[M]. C.Newman and C. Doubinsky(trans.), Lincoln, NE and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1977.
  [2]Hartman, G. Saving the Text[M].Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1981.
  [3]Hatim, B.
北京市朝阳区劲松第一幼儿园始建于1981年,作为一所北京市示范幼儿园,40年始终将教育事业视为己任,坚持以德树人、以研促教等策略,培养出一支具有高尚情操、专业精干的优秀教师队伍。幼儿园在长期积累中逐渐承载着辐射周边园所、带动园所发展、推动区域学前教育事业前进的重要使命,迄今为止,已向朝阳区等各处输出干部、教师约二十余名。  目前,我园教师年龄段分布以26~30岁为主体,7年以内教龄的教师比例达到了
【摘要】数学教学需要学生主动参与认知过程,自己去探究发现,掌握数学的规律,建构数学的基本结构。探索规律的教学,从创设情境,感知排列规律;探索规律,认识周期现象;应用规律,解决问题;创新实践,演绎规律等方面落实,使学生经历探究的过程,在演绎数学规律的同时建立数学基本结构。  【关键词】探究 发现 应用 发展 规律  数学学科需要教师教给学生数学的基本结构,帮助学生理解数学知识的本质。但数学教学更需要
顾玉龙,号“龙眼”,时事演绎怪侠,独门武功——“大话国际”。从孵蛋(复旦)出壳,曾被央视发往欧洲常驻,是著名战地记者……现为中央电视台新闻频道国际新闻制片人。    自从普罗米修斯盗来了火种,人类从此便摆脱了黑暗。如同水能载舟也能覆舟一样,火给了人类光明和温暖,火同样带给人类灾难和不幸……    奥林匹克圣火    2008年3月24日当地时间上午,希腊最高女祭司娜芙普利都在赫拉神庙朗诵:“太阳神
[背景]  “空气有质量”是科学四年级上册第一单元《空气占据空间》中的一部分内容,这部分要求学生用观察、实验等方法认识不易直接感知的空气性质之一——空气有质量,培养学生细心实验、注重证据、认真思考的科学态度。  [教学仪器]铁架台、大小不一的气球、饮料管、棉线、天平、有关空气质量的录像等。  [片段实录]  (学生活动:学生把杯口朝下垂直倒扣入水中。再慢慢倾斜杯子)  师:你们看到了什么?  生:
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【摘要】本文从莱文森会话含义理论出发,以全新的视角分析影片《重返17岁》中的人物对白,解释会话中有意识违反准则的语言现象,阐明莱文森会话含义理论对解读影视作品具有的有效性,并使人们深刻体会语言的魅力。  【关键词】会话含义 莱文森 《重返17岁》  目前国内外对会话含义的研究主要是基于语言学家格莱斯的相关理论展开的,对莱文森的会话含义理论研究成果不多,尤其是使之与典型影视作品相结合的研究则更少,对
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今天,新来的数学家庭教师为我上了第一堂课,说实话,之前的小陈老师讲课比她好多了。可是在妈妈冲我吼“你怎么总在说小陈老师的这个那个”时,我就知道,小陈老师再也不会为我上课了,因为他是男的。果然,妈妈辞退了小陈,并给家教中介打电话反复强调:“教我女儿的一定得是个女生!”进入高中后,妈妈对我特别不放心,她似乎要把我屏蔽在一个接触不到男生的环境里。  我不得不承认我喜欢上了隔壁班的一个男生。我们会在走廊上