“中至蜜桃”上规模 五莲桃园将达5000亩

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山东省五莲县中至镇素有种桃的习惯。因水土原因,中至种出的蜜桃个头大,颜色好,既脆又甜,深受消费者喜爱。为引导村民走规模化种植的路子,今年一开春,中至镇党委便多方考察,为百姓首批引进了7万棵优质品 Wulian County, Shandong Province, known as the kind of peach habits. Because of soil and water reasons, peach out in the first big, good color, crisp and sweet, well received by consumers. In order to guide the villagers to take the large-scale planting path, this spring, the party to the town party will visit many parties, for the first batch of people introduced 70,000 quality products
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