Extraction of Herba Lycopi Polysaccharide and Study of Its Antioxidant Activity by Cellulase Method

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wo861030
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[Objectives] To optimize the extraction process of Herba Lycopi polysaccharide by cellulase,and study its antioxidant activity.[Methods]The single factor test and orthogonal test were conducted to study the effect of p H,enzyme dosage,enzymolysis temperature and extraction time on the extraction of Herba Lycopi polysaccharide. And the test was done about its scavenging effect on DPPH radicals and superoxide anions,and the antioxidant activity was evaluated. [Results] The optimum extraction process by cellulase method was as follows: p H value of 7; enzyme dosage of 4 ml; enzymolysis temperature of 40 ℃; extraction time of 2. 5 h. The average extraction rate of Herba Lycopi polysaccharide was 10. 70%,and RSD was 0. 17%. The antioxidant activity test showed that Herba Lycopi polysaccharide had a significant scavenging effect on radicals. [Conclusions] Herba Lycopi polysaccharides had strong antioxidant activity,and could provide a scientific basis for the development and utilization of Herba Lycopi medicinal resources. [Objectives] To optimize the extraction process of Herba Lycopi polysaccharide by cellulase, and study its antioxidant activity. [Methods] The single factor test and orthogonal test were conducted to study the effect of p H, enzyme dosage, enzymolysis temperature and extraction time on the extraction of Herba Lycopi polysaccharide. And the test was done about its scavenging effect on DPPH radicals and superoxide anions, and the antioxidant activity was evaluated. [Results] The optimum extraction process by cellulase method was as follows: p H value of 7; The dosage of the Herba Lycopi polysaccharide was 10. 70%, and RSD was 0. 17%. The antioxidant activity test showed that Herba Lycopi polysaccharide had a significant scavenging effect on radicals. [Conclusions] Herba Lycopi polysaccharides had strong antioxidant activity, and could provide a scientific basis for the development and utilization of Herba Lycopi medicinal resources.
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