Theoretical Researches on the Recognizing Characteristics of Atrazine Imprinted Polymers with Differ

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honest1988li
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As a widely used herbicide, the threat of atrazine to both environment and health of people has become the focus. Therefore, the research and analysis of atrazine are getting more important. In this work, the MIT was used to detect atrazine theoretically. Atrazine was taken as a template molecule. MAA, MMA and TFMAA were taken as the functional monomers, respectively. The geometry optimization, the nature of hydrogen bonds, the NBO charge, and the binding energies of the imprinted molecule with the functional monomers were investigated at the B3LYP/6-31g(d,p) level. Results indicated that atrazine had the strongest interaction with TFMAA. When the ratio of atrazine and TFMAA was 1:6, the amount of H-bond formed from atrazine and TFMAA was the largest. Moreover, TFMAA owned the largest binding energy with atrazine while MMA owned the smallest. The study is helpful to interpret experiment phenomena of molecular imprinting and select better functional monomers. As a widely used herbicide, the threat of atrazine to both environment and health of people has become the focus. Therefore, the research and analysis of atrazine are getting more important. In this work, the MIT was used to detect atrazine theoretically. Atrazine was The geometry optimization, the nature of hydrogen bonds, the NBO charge, and the binding energies of the imprinted molecule with the functional monomers were investigated at the B3LYP / 6-31g (d, p) level. Results indicated that atrazine had the strongest interaction with TFMAA. When the ratio of atrazine and TFMAA was 1: 6, the amount of H-bond formed from atrazine and TFMAA was the largest. Moreover, TFMAA owned the largest binding energy with atrazine while MMA owned the smallest. The study is helpful to interpret experiment phenomena of molecular imprinting and select better functional monomers.
糖蛋白和糖脂的异常糖基化是肿瘤相关抗原的常见特征 ,半乳糖转移酶 ( galactosyl transferase ,GT)参与了这种异常的糖基化过程[1] 。研究表明 ,Ⅱ型GT即癌相关半乳糖转移酶 (can cer associatedgalactosyl transf Aberrant glycosyla
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