Tensile Properties and Microstructure of DS NiAl-28Cr-5.8Mo-0.2Hf Alloy

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ymqlove
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A multiphase alloy NiAI-28Cr-5.8Mo-0.2Hf was directionally solidified in Ar atmosphere in an Al2O3-SiC2 mold by standard Bridgman method. The fracture toughness and tensile properties at 980℃ as well as tensile creep at 1050℃ were studied. It was found that the strength of the present alloy is higher than that of many NiAI-based alloy and the stress exponent n for creep is about 6.69. Then the possible strengthening mechanism and creep mechanism are also discussed. A multiphase alloy NiAI-28Cr-5.8Mo-0.2Hf was directionally solidified in Ar atmosphere in an Al2O3-SiC2 mold by standard Bridgman method. The fracture toughness and tensile properties at 980 ℃ as well as tensile creep at 1050 ℃ were studied. was found that the strength of the present alloy is higher than that of many NiAI-based alloys and the stress exponent n for creep is about 6.69. Then the possible strengthen mechanism and creep mechanism are also discussed.
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