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目的了解宝鸡市电焊工职业卫生防护知识及相关态度、行为状况,为制定职业健康教育干预措施及防治电焊工职业病提供依据。方法选择9家机械制造企业500名电焊工进行现场问卷调查,将调查结果输入EpiData数据库,用SPSS13.0软件进行统计学处理分析。结果宝鸡市电焊工职业卫生相关知识知晓率偏低,不同工龄、不同文化程度工人职业卫生知识知晓率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),不同工龄电焊工的相关态度和行为差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且96.56%的电焊工希望从用人单位和政府相关部门获得职业卫生防护知识。结论宝鸡市电焊工职业卫生防护知识知晓率偏低,应加大宣传力度,加强对电焊工职业卫生防护知识的培训教育,提高其职业卫生防护知识水平,增强其自我保护意识,养成更加良好的职业健康行为。 Objective To understand the occupational health protection knowledge and related attitudes and behaviors of electricians in Baoji City, and provide the basis for formulating occupational health education interventions and preventing occupational diseases of electricians. Methods A total of 500 welders from 9 machinery manufacturing enterprises were selected to carry out on-site questionnaire survey. The survey results were input into EpiData database and analyzed by SPSS13.0 software. Results There was no significant difference in awareness rate of occupational health among electricians in Baoji city. There was no significant difference in occupational health awareness between workers of different ages and different education levels (P> 0.05). There was statistical difference in attitudes and behaviors among electricians of different ages Significance (P <0.05), and 96.56% of welders hope to obtain knowledge of occupational health protection from employers and relevant government departments. Conclusion There is a low awareness rate of occupational health protection in electricians in Baoji City. Publicity should be intensified, training and education of occupational health protection knowledge of electricians should be intensified, knowledge of occupational health protection should be enhanced, awareness of self-protection should be enhanced, and better awareness should be achieved Occupational health behavior.
(标题 期次·页码)  专题特稿  陕西高山菜产业发展现状及建议2·4  夏季温室休闲棚管理3·4  全程机械化 大棚效益高3·5  大荔现代农业园区发展现状、问题与对策4·4  浅析现代蔬菜产业园的困境与出路5·4  集成模式  大拱棚一年三种三收高效种植模式1·4  大棚早春厚皮甜瓜—秋延后豇豆高效栽培技术2·7  大棚茴香—番茄—黄瓜三茬种植模式2·10  日光温室辣椒套种西瓜高效栽培3·7
本文报告了24名急性心肌梗塞病人的外周甲状腺激素代谢。对8例心肌梗塞好转患者作了动态观察。结果表明急性心肌梗塞病人在病变早期除有酶学、Mb 的改变外,还伴有外周甲状腺
本文用限制性内切酶Hpa Ⅰ分析了52例白血病患者mtDNA的限制性酶切类型,发现Hpa Ⅰ-1型13例,占25%,显著高于正常人群10.7%的频率(0.01