Traditional herbal medicine, pharmacology and complementary alternative medicine (CAM): a preface to

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tkzcsl
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In China, our ancient human civilization has long used plants and other natural products, and their extracts for both healing and poisoning. The understanding of interactions between drugs and living systems was acquired via generations of knowledge accumulation based on empirical observations. This form of healing, also well documented to exist in many other cultural civilizations via a long historical experimentation, has eventually evolved itself from an art form into a scientific modality, now known as pharmacology. This recognition of a formal discipline of medicine oc- In China, our ancient human civilization has long used plants and other natural products, and their extracts for both healing and poisoning. The understanding of interactions between drugs and living systems was acquired via generations of knowledge accumulation based on advanced observations. This form of healing , also well documented to exist in many other cultural civilizations via a long historical experimentation, has finally evolved itself from an art form into a Scientific modality, now known as pharmacology. This recognition of a formal discipline of medicine oc-
目的 :探讨参麦液对氧反常心肌电活动和收缩力的影响。方法 :随机将SD大鼠分成 4组 ,分别予以富氧、乏氧 ,含川芎嗪和参麦液的K H液灌注 ,记录心肌电活动和收缩力 ,测定冠脉
健步猎潜丸的配方组成是 :黄柏、龟板、知母、熟地、陈皮、白芍、锁阳、豹骨、干姜等。主要功能是滋阴降火、强壮筋骨。用于腰膝酸软、筋骨痿弱、腿足消瘦等症。笔者在临床的
<正> [主治]慢性胃炎、疼痛、吞酸作呕及消化性溃疡。 [药方]煅乌贼骨四两,薄公英一两,全当归一两五钱,制香附一两五钱,煨川楝子一两。 [用法]共研细末,每服一钱,每日3次,连
面对令人兴奋的机会和严峻的挑战,如何实施最适合自己的有效的战略战术,在资源之“场”中提升优“势”,将是2007年媒体竞争的重头戏。 In the face of exciting opportuniti
Objective To observe the effects of methionine enkephalin (M Enk) on migration of macrophages from mice with impaired liver and its immunomodulatory mechanisms
选用Wistar大鼠对雪山蚁皇胶囊进行了致畸性研究 ,雪山蚁皇胶囊设三个剂量组 :2、4、 6g/kg体重 ,同时设蒸馏水对照组 ,采用经口给药。结果 :三个剂量组孕鼠体重增长、吸收胎