行业砥柱 夺目楷模 为中国健康管理导航——记北京众鑫大有科技发展有限公司执行总裁蒋运权

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蒋运权:众鑫大有科技发展有限公司执行总裁蒋运权,一个叱诧风云十余载的风云人物,众鑫大有科技发展有限公司执行总裁,毕业于四川内江师范学院,一直从事教育工作多年。 1993年他弃文从商,在硝烟弥漫、枪林弹雨的商海浪潮中摸爬滚打,开启了艰苦创业的道路。经历过风雨的他,身上泛发着“泰山崩于前而色不变,麋鹿兴于左而目不瞬”的大将风度。他曾经担任经济管理专业讲师,在多家知名内资、外资企业中负责市场开发与管理工作,将丰富的教学理论与市场开发及管理实践完整整合。十余年的商海生涯中凭借着自己独到的思维模式、坚强的毅力、超群的管理才华,统筹管理着二十几个省市的代理店和销售工作,他那独当一面的雄伟霸气一直在散发着光和热。如今的他是众鑫大有科技发展有限公司的领军人物,规划着公司的现在和未来,他始终坚持着“地势坤,君子以厚德栽物”的思想,使公司的经营战略能屈能伸,进攻与防守相结合,把公司的发展推向一个又一个高潮。他以“人”为本的思想得到了人们的拥戴,一个团结奋进的集体在他的领导下将会快速的腾飞、发展壮大!他将致力于圣医堂·众鑫大有科技发展有限公司的健康管理产业,将健康产业真正做强、做大,引领中国健康管理,造福于各方百姓,造福于社会,造福于全人类! Jiang Yunquan: Zhongxin Danyu Technology Development Co., Ltd. CEO Jiang Yunquan, a Qunwen situation more than ten man of the moment, Zhongxin Doyu Technology Development Co., Ltd. Executive Director, graduated from Sichuan Neijiang Teachers College, has been engaged in education for many years. In 1993, he abandoned his article from the merchants and fought in the smoke of the sea of ​​guns and bullets, opening the path of arduous pioneering. Experienced the storm of his body with a “Taishan collapse before the same color, elk emerging in the left eye is not instantaneous,” the general character. He used to be a lecturer in economic management. He is responsible for market development and management in a number of well-known domestic and foreign-funded enterprises and integrates rich teaching theories with market development and management practices. More than ten years of business career in Shanghai with its own unique mode of thinking, strong perseverance, superior management talent, co-ordinating the management of more than 20 provinces and cities in the agency and sales, and his unique domineering domineering exudes Light and heat. Nowadays, he is the leader of Zhongxin DAYU Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. and is planning the present and future of the company. He always sticks to the idea of ​​“Topography and Gentleman with great virtue”, which enables the company’s business strategy to flex its muscles and attack Combined with the defense, the company’s development to one after another climax. He has been supported by the idea of ​​“people” as the basis, and a collective in a concerted and progressive manner will take off and grow rapidly under his leadership! He will devote himself to the establishment of the Great Hall of the Holy Hospital, Zhongxin Danyu Technology Development Co., Ltd. Health management industry, the health industry truly stronger, bigger, leading China’s health management, for the benefit of all people, for the benefit of society, for the benefit of all mankind!
本文引用Fok和Bishop提出的地表下储水形状系数计算公式 ,通过数学推导 ,变Maheshwari法的模式搜索为直接计算 ,在数据处理方法上进行了改进 .实例计算的结果表明 ,本文提出