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课堂是英语教学的主阵地,是学生学习英语的主要途径。教师的课堂教学语言是进行课堂教学的基础,给力的课堂教学用语可以激发学生的求知欲,引领学生积极、有效地参与课堂活动,不断提高学习兴趣,发展学生综合运用英语语言的能力。目前,英语课堂教学用语仍然存在着许多亟待解决的问题,主要表现在:课堂用语缺少真实性语境,实用性不强;课堂用语的准确性不够,指令不清;课堂用语缺乏针对性和启发性;课堂用语不够生动、精练,缺乏吸引力,等等。这些问题能否解决得好直接关系到学生的学习兴趣和课堂教学质量。 The classroom is the main front of English teaching, is the main way for students to learn English. Teachers ’classroom teaching language is the basis of classroom teaching. The effective classroom teaching language can stimulate students’ curiosity, lead the students actively and effectively participate in classroom activities, and continuously improve their interest in learning and develop their ability of comprehensively using English language. At present, there are still many problems to be solved in English classroom teaching. The main problems are as follows: the classroom language lacks the context of authenticity, the practicality is not strong; the accuracy of classroom language is not enough and the instruction is not clear; the language of the classroom lacks pertinence and inspiration Sex; classroom language is not vivid, refined, lack of attractiveness, and so on. Whether these problems can be solved well is directly related to the students’ interest in learning and the quality of classroom teaching.
文章叙述了召开研讨会的背景、时间、地点、参会专家学者及交流论文的内容。认为论文内容涉及面广,学术水平高,对中国云南省濒危语言遗产的保护具有现实和理论意义。 The ar
阅读理解能力是高考英语重点考查的语言运用能力,但也是考生失分较严重的题型。本文就如何提高学生阅读速度和理解的正确率简要地阐述了一些应掌握的阅读技巧和策略。 Readi
Adopting the corpus-based approach,this paper analyzes the adjective/noun collocation with tWO English words big and large as examples by comparing data from Ch