纪录是怎样“炼”成的? NBA的连胜与连败

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在众多记者的包围圈中,史蒂夫·纳什的脸上挂着灿料的微笑,被汗水打湿的短发在聚光灯的照耀下闪亮。12月20日的菲尼克斯,太阳队以115比98痛击来犯的猛龙队,创造了球队常规赛历史上15连胜的新纪录。这位连续两届NBA常规赛MVP得主,赛后面对球队取得的“突破”却相当平静,“这是一项成就,我们可能会成为自己感到骄傲,但同时也会意识到这项纪录并不意味着全部。”当太阳队已经把突破湖人在2000年创造的19连胜定为下一个目标时,送走了“答案”的76人却在12连败的泥潭中挣扎。在NBA,人们习惯于将这些正在经历连胜或连败的球队,形象地称为“背上了猴子”,因为那些不断蹿升的数字,无论光荣还是耻辱,对“创造者”而言都是一种无形的压力和负担。顶住压力,可能作为一支常胜之师而青史留名;被包袱压垮,则可能作为一支“烂队”而贻笑联盟。成王败寇,更让人感兴趣的,是那些纪录产生背后的事和奥秘…… In the encircling circle of many journalists, Steve Nash’s face was covered with a smile of bright material. The short hair sweaty shone under the spotlight. Phoenix, Dec. 20 The Suns beat the Raptors 115-98 and set a new record of 15 straight games in the regular season. The two consecutive NBA regular season MVP winner, after the game to the team made a “breakthrough” is quite calm, “This is an achievement, we may be proud of ourselves, but also aware of the record That does not mean it all. ”While the Suns have set the 19-game winning streak that broke the Lakers’ record in 2000 as the next target, the 76ers with the“ answer ”struggled in a 12-game losing streak. In the NBA, people are accustomed to vividly describing these teams that are going through a winning streak or losing streak as “back-of-the-monkeys,” because those rising numbers, be it honorable or shameful, are both “creators” Is an invisible pressure and burden. Withstood the pressure, may be as a glorified division of the history of the world; be overwhelmed by the burden, it may be as a “bad team” and laughed at alliance. Even worse, the more intriguing are the things and mysteries behind those records ...
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