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  阎雷(Yann Layma),1962年生,法国著名摄影师。1984年,他获准自由进出巴黎爱丽舍宫,为当时的总统密特朗拍摄了一年政坛生活,成为法国唯一一位获此殊荣的摄影师。他也是继布列松、马克·吕布等摄影大师之后,专注拍摄中国时间最长、地域最广的西方摄影师。
  [法]阎 雷
  At the Frankfurt Book Fair 2019, Zhejiang University Press launched the Chinese and English editions of , based on a documentary series in which French photographer Yann Layma presents his experience of China in both text and photography. In a period that spans about three decades, the French photographer traveled many times in China, taking photos and witnessing tremendous changes that have transformed the oriental country as never before. 
  Yann Layma is one of the few western photography masters such as Robert Bresson and Marc Riboud who spent years and years traveling and photographing the modern China. One of the photo books by Yann Layma is . After its Chinese translation was made available in China, many Chinese came to know about the French photographer and his China tours. He was approached by a Chinese documentary producer for creating a documentary and tracing his previous China tours to see how China has changed. The photographer agreed. He came back to China and visited places which he first visited and photographed in the 1980s. The documentary production team filmed his tour. The result is a three-episode documentary, respectively titled , , and . The first episode captures the historical moments in China’s reform and opening up and transformations in China’s urban and rural areas in the pictures. The second recounts Yann Layma’s admiration for the fast-developing Chinese society and his reflections on the relationship between modernization and traditional values. The third one shows his amazement at China’s innovation and wisdom and China’s care for eco-environment. From an international perspective, it tells about China’s past and present and looks forward to the future of the innovative country.   Then Zhejiang University Press produced a book based on the documentary. Yann Layma wrote the text for the book. The editions in German, Italian, Russian and French languages will come out soon. The French, German and English editions of the documentary have been screened.
  The following is an excerpt about Hangzhou from the English edition of  by Yann Layma
  Environmental Protection, High-speed Rail and New Vitality
  “The majestic beauty of this city makes it the most wonderful city of all, and there are so many historic sights that people feel like in paradise.” This is how Marco Polo described Hangzhou, the city of Zhejiang Province.
  In the sunny afternoons, I like to ride on a bicycle through Hangzhou’s roads and alleys to enjoy and record the people living in this smiling city. Convenient free public bicycles are also an important reason why I fell in love with the city. Hangzhou’s public transportation and free bicycles have changed the way a large number of car owners commute. The low-carbon green transportation model solves the “last kilometer” problem and helps effectively relieve traffic pressure.
  In China, the role and meaning of the bicycle are changing. It is not only a means of transportation, but also a green and low-carbon environmental protection statement and a new and physically healthy way of life. This green development concept will leave our future generations with a home with blue sky, green fields and clean water. In foreign countries, people often say that China’s development is a “miracle”. Miracle means it is not easy to achieve. But in China, miracles are happening every day.
  In my experience, China is a free and safe country. In the past 30 years, I have never encountered any personal injury in China, and I have never been stolen or robbed. Around 1986, I took a series of photos of Chinese couples. I’d like to use these photos to show the liberal mindset of the Chinese people in the 1980s. They are as good at expressing feelings as our Europeans. One of them was taken on the edge of the West Lake. Peach blossoms symbolize the advent of spring, which implies that Chinese society is undergoing a huge change.
  The tree at the West Lake does not change, but the people at the West Lake change with the times. These small three-wheeled couriers shuttle through the streets of Hangzhou to provide users with “last mile” service and deliver goods from all over the world to thousands of households. They come and go in a hurry, racing against time. The courier’s wheels spur innovation in the Chinese market and consumption patterns.
  The Internet, big data and cloud computing bring new vitality to the developing Chinese economy.
  Today, with only a click of the mouse, you can have goods from all over the world via Internet. The man who created the miracle is Jack Ma.
  I don’t want to mythologize Alibaba. In my eyes it is a tangible and real Chinese company. Jack Ma’s history of entrepreneurship is a history of innovation and development. His story made me understand the principle many Chinese live by: innovation is the source of development, and innovation is the driving force for development. Only continuous innovation can create more and more broad development prospects.
1904年,蔡元培在上海发起成立光复会,并任会长,以“光复汉族,还我山河,以身许国,功成身退”为宗旨,同时亲自参与研制炸弹等武器,彰显了被后世称为“学界泰斗、人世楷模”的大教育家勇烈的一面。这应归因于晚清特定时代风云的激励,但也同样可以隐约听到春秋时代越王勾践卧薪尝胆精神的远古回响,由此可见文化精神穿越时空的巨大能量。  亦剑亦箫:  江南文化精神的意象提炼  追本溯源,孕育和兴盛于长三角地区的江
所谓名人,就是在某一方面学有专长或造诣很深的人,也有一些是因时、因地、因环境而成为一时的名人。 采访名人,不同于采访一般人,因名人的社会活动较多,时间宝贵,他们出来活
“江南可采莲,莲叶何田田。”在人教版一年级上册语文课本里,这首汉乐府《江南》作为必背古诗出现。  对很多中国人来说,这是江南的模样第一次朦胧地在眼前勾勒出来。  可是,江南,到底指哪里?地理上的江南,如何界定?历史上的江南,又有过怎样的变迁?它的精神内涵又是什么?在长三角一体化的时代进程中,“新江南”又具体指向何处?  一  江南是一个历史性概念。  历史地理学家周振鹤认为,先秦秦汉三国西晋时期,
总有人迎难而上,持之以恒,“择一事,终一生”。在宁波的天一阁就有这样一群修书人,在日复一日中默默坚守,让古老的技艺得以传承和发扬,演绎着令人赞叹的工匠精神。  宁波长春路两侧的老樟树,常年苍翠欲滴,沿着这条路可以走到天一阁。400多年前的明朝中期,兵部右侍郎范钦退隐在此,营造了一个文化奇迹——汇天下书于一阁,历经4个多世纪而不散。  历代藏书家很多,其藏书能保存百年以上的不多见,而天一阁藏书却保存
说洪都拉斯的科潘,许多人可能不熟悉;说玛雅文明,听说的人一定会多一些。  科潘玛雅遗址位于洪都拉斯科潘省西部的科潘瑞纳斯Copan Ruinas,西与Barrio小镇接壤,它位于茂密森林之中,其主金字塔在森林东北角。公元前200多年,这里是古玛雅王国的首都,也是当时的科学、文化和宗教活动的中心。  2019年,浙江省文物考古研究所作为合作单位,参加了中国社会科学院考古研究所在洪都拉斯科潘的考古项目