
来源 :当代体育科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uirerhj
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高校体育教学成为目前高校教育中重要的组成部分,然而在体育教学中的伤害事故更是越来越引起重视。从法律视角了解事故责任、归贵原则、责任主体及责任形式,正确处理和预防伤害事故的发生,是我国高校体育教学改革的需要,也是“依法执教、依法治校”的必然要求。该研究结合国家的相关法律,法规以及与体育相关的规定和条例,通过分析体育课堂教学伤害事故频发的原因,用释事故中的归贵原则,建议学校预防体育伤害事故的措施,保障各方合法权益,促进高校体育教学顺利进行。 Physical education in colleges and universities has become an important part of college education. However, injuries in physical education have drawn more and more attention. To understand the responsibility of accident, the principle of being in charge, the main body of responsibility and the form of responsibility from a legal point of view, and correctly handling and preventing the occurrence of injury accidents are the needs of the reform of physical education in colleges and universities in our country and the inevitable requirement of “governing the university according to law and governing according to law”. The study combined with the relevant laws and regulations of the country and the rules and regulations related to sports. By analyzing the causes of frequent injuries in sports classroom teaching and using the Gui Gui Gui Gui Gui Gui Gui principle, recommended school sports accident prevention measures to protect the Party lawful rights and interests to promote the smooth progress of college physical education.
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A model was developed to describe the microstracture evolution in a directionally solidified ternary monotectic alloy.The directional solidification experiments
作为一名数学教师,有责任在自己的能力范围之内,通过课堂教学和课后特殊关注,为留守儿童送去一份温暖。以此改善他们的学习情况和调整他们的不良心理,树立起留守儿童对学习、生活的信念,培养正确的人生观、价值观。  要打开良一的心灵之门,我就必须要做到以诚相待,建立平等和谐师生关系,以获取他对我的信任,就要经常找他谈心,了解他个人的基本情况和家庭成员情况,了解他的学习情况、身体状况、生活状况、思想状况和心理
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本研究描述了沈阳、大连两城市业余足球联赛现状,从承办主体、运行机制、场地、参与人员、商业推广等方面对比两地业余足球联赛存在的异同,提出进一步发展联赛的建议。 This