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2017年1月23日星期一在精耕深作中与世界融通——《文明》杂志十五年国际传播启示本报记者袁永君杨倩2016年12月26日,《文明》杂志收到一封来自国际奥委会主席巴赫的热情洋溢的贺信,这是国际奥委会给这本中国杂志发来的第二十八封官方信函。《文明》自2001年创刊以来,15年间得到3次国际奥委会全球授权,向世界独家发布奥林匹克专题,跻身国际高端传播平台,成为联合国教科文组织、红十字国际委员会、世界自然基金会、美国国家地理学会和多个国家的驻华使馆共同认可的合作伙伴。 January 23, 2017 Monday, January 27, 2016 In the midst of intensive cultivation, the world is well connected with the world - Enlightenment from 15 years of international communication by Civilization reporter Yuan Yongjun Yang Qian On December 26, 2016, “Civilization” magazine received a letter from The warm message from Bach, the president of the International Olympic Committee, is the twenty-eighth official letter sent to the Chinese magazine by the International Olympic Committee. Since its founding in 2001, Civilization has won three worldwide IOC delegates worldwide over the past 15 years, has released the Olympic Special Issue exclusively to the world, has become an international high-end communication platform and has become a member of the UNESCO, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the World Wildlife Fund, US National Geographic Society and embassies in many countries recognized by the partners.
: Seven new boronic acid adducts of technetium(IlI) tris(dioxdrie) (BATO) were prepared and the biodistribution in mice of 99mTc labelled BATOs were determined.
A precursor 9 of preverecynarmin was prepared by starting from isoprene and geraniol .The key steps in synthesis are the addition of sulfurstabilized carbanion
The deposition of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide (a-SiC.H) films from a mixture of silane, acetylene and hydrogen gas using the electron cyclotron reson
篇    名年—期冶炼和铸锭超低碳不锈钢铬成分的控制 96— 3LF精炼法的发展 96— 338Cr Mo Al钢铝成分控制 96— 4铸  造大型机架铸造线收缩率探讨 96— 1阶梯式浇注系
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