
来源 :新疆地方志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hghlyf
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今天想讲两个问题:一是建国以来我们方志工作的历史和现状,二是当前我们面临的几个问题或几项任务。 先讲第一个问题:建国以来方志工作的历史和现状。 一、大家都知道,我们建国以后,五十年代就已经开展了新编地方志工作。老一辈无产阶级革命家毛泽东、周恩来、董必武同志都很重视地方志工作。现在的地方志指导小组,当时叫地方志小组,是由周恩来同志指定,当时的中央办公厅副主任、中央档案馆馆长曾三同志来主持这项工作。1958年,1959年有不少地方开展了修志工作,但现在看来那一次的修志工作是失败的尝试。之所以失败,主要问题在于不实事求是。当时全国刮浮夸风,修志工作也受 Today I want to talk about two issues: First, the history and current status of our work on local chronicles since the founding of the People’s Republic; second, several issues or tasks that we are currently facing. First talk about the first question: the history and current situation of local chronicles since the founding of the People’s Republic. We all know that after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, we had already carried out a new edition of local chronicles in the 1950s. The older generation of proletarian revolutionaries Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Dong Biwu both attached great importance to the work of local chronicles. The current local gazetteer guiding group, then called the local gazetteer group, was appointed by Comrade Zhou Enlai and then Comrade Zeng San, deputy director of the Central Office of the Central Government and director of the Central Archives Bureau, presided over the work. In 1958, there were quite a few places in 1959 that carried out the work of reorganization, but it seems that the work of reorganization is a failed attempt. The main problem lies in not seeking truth from facts. At that time, the country blew the boast, and Chi’s work was also affected
摘要:重视游戏式教学模式的积极作用,全面了解小学生的身心发展特征,用科学合理的方法将游戏式教学活动落实到小学体育课堂中,才能促进小学体育教学的高效化。本文探讨了游戏在小学体育教学中的应用。  关键词:游戏;小学;体育教学;应用  小学体育教师通过选择适宜的体育游戏,科学合理地组织课堂教学,能够充分发挥活跃课堂气氛,丰富课堂内容的作用,使学生更加自觉、积极地投入到体育锻炼中去,达到事半功倍的教学效果
  Objective:To study the expressions of the OPN gene and its clinical significance in prostate cancer.Methods:80 samples of prostate cancer and 35 samples of
  Objective:The aim of the current study was to investigate the association between body mass index (BMI) and oncological outcomes in Chinese patients who had
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