
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mvcexq
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本刊去年第9、10两期连载了李辉、李培美《幼教改革,三思而后行——从蒙氏教育与瑞吉欧教育热说起》一文,此后,在国内幼教界引起了一场讨论。从今年第1期开始,本刊陆续刊发了朱家雄教授、王春燕博士、许卓娅教授、许群民老师等人的争鸣文章。他们从不同侧面对幼教改革的相关问题进行了深入的讨论,使读者更加清楚地了解了当前幼教改革中某些带有普遍性的问题。作为争鸣的肇始者之一,李辉博士在阅读了本刊刊发的全部争鸣文章之后,发来一篇回应文章,想对这一场学术讨论作一个阶段性总结。我们真诚希望这篇文章是新一轮争鸣的开始,而不是讨论的结束。我们深信真理愈辩愈明。 In the 9th and 10th issues of last year, the article serialized Li Hui and Li Peimei’s article “Reform of Preschool Education, Think Before Going - Speaking from the Education of Montesquieu and Reggio Emulation”, and then started a discussion in the domestic preschool community . Starting from the first issue of this year, we published one after another the contention articles by Professor Zhu Jiaxiong, Dr. Wang Chunyan, Professor Xu Zhuo-nao and Professor Xu Qunmin. From different aspects, they conducted in-depth discussions on the issues related to the reform of early childhood education so that readers can understand more clearly some of the current universal problems in the reform of early childhood education. As one of the initiators of the contention, Dr. Li Hui sent a response article after reading all the contentious articles published in this magazine and would like to make a staged summary of this academic discussion. We sincerely hope this article is the beginning of a new round of contention, not the end of the discussion. We are convinced that the truth is more obvious.
撑着油纸伞,独自彷徨在这悠长、悠长又寂寥的雨巷我希望逢着一个丁香一样的结着幽怨的姑娘——题记我喜欢这春雨迷离蒙眬,更喜欢踏着这淡蓝色的烟雨,踯躅而行,撑一把碎 I li
省人民政府同意省医药管理局、省政府发展研究中心《关于将医药产业培育成我省高新技术支柱产业的意见》,现转发给你们,请结合实际认真贯彻执行。 The Provincial People’
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结合东郡广场工程实例,介绍了大型转换层施工中钢筋工程、模板工程、混凝土工程施工技术及质量控制措施。 Combined with the project example of Dongjun Square, the pape
文章通过对百仕达东郡广场工程进行分析,呈现出一些新的无粘结预应力施工技术。 Through the analysis of the project of East China Square in Baishida, the article pre
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