
来源 :临床口腔医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pettey
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目的:建立兔下颌骨前牙区即刻种植种植体周围骨缺损的动物实验模型,并观察牙髓干细胞在种植体周围骨缺损中骨再生能力。方法:将实验兔分为2组,分别拔除兔双侧下颌前牙,并在拔牙窝颊侧建立2 mm×3 mm大小骨缺损区,即刻植入种植体。对照组植入Bio-oss骨粉,实验组植入Bio-oss骨粉与牙髓干细胞(Dental Pulp Stem Cells,DPSCs),通过扫描电镜和HE染色观察评价植入后4周种植体-骨结合状况。结果:扫描电镜观察见实验组种植体周围骨缺损处可见编织骨及骨小梁形成,种植体与牙槽窝间隙基本消失且与龈方间隙减小,周围松质骨密度增高。实验组HE染色切片见种植体周围骨缺损处牙槽骨部分胞质呈空泡状,成骨细胞与破骨细胞分布于骨小梁上,骨小梁致密且排列规则。结论:建立的兔下颌骨前牙区即刻种植的种植体周围骨缺损动物实验模型,可为即刻种植方向的相关研究提供重要参考。 OBJECTIVE: To establish an animal model of immediate implantation of implant bone around the anterior teeth of mandible in rabbits, and to observe the regenerative capacity of dental pulp stem cells in bone defects around implants. Methods: The rabbits were divided into two groups, the mandibular anterior mandibular anterior teeth were removed respectively, and a 2 mm × 3 mm size defect was established on the buccal buccal cavity of the tooth extraction. The implants were implanted immediately. The control group was implanted with Bio-oss bone meal. The experimental group was implanted with Bio-oss bone meal and dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs). The implant-bone union status at 4 weeks after implantation was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy and HE staining. Results: Scanning electron microscopy showed the formation of braided bone and trabecular bone around the implants in the experimental group. The gap between implant and alveolar disappeared and the gap between gingival and gingival crest decreased. The density of cancellous bone increased. In the experimental group, the cytoplasm of the alveolar bone in the bone defect around the implant was vacuolar. The osteoblasts and osteoclasts were distributed on the trabecular bone. The trabecular bone was dense and arranged regularly. CONCLUSION: The established animal model of peri-implant bone defect immediately implanted in anterior teeth of mandibular anterior region provides an important reference for the research of immediate implanting direction.
<正> 根据党中央和省委指示:推广煤的综合利用和大搞石油工业小土群运动。经半年多在全国各地推广煤成堆干馏炼油小厂以来,充分证明了采取成堆干馏方法是一种切实可行的综合
《CIM Bulletin》2006年98卷第1091期刊登Phil Reeves的文章,介绍了萨斯喀彻温省与铀有关的一些活动。
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