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牛大姐四十五六岁了,却迷上了闪购,单位的同事都笑称她“老闪”。听到这样叫她,牛大姐不喜不忧,只微微一笑,一抬下颏,对叫她的同事说:明天给你闪一件。我和老闪在一个办公室里,屋里只有一根网线,一台电脑,电脑只连着一台打印机,用来办证。办证的人很少,牛大姐闪购的时间就会很长。而我,只能呆呆地坐着,看她呼着“我拍”、“我拍”的口号,像一个将军,挥舞着鼠标和键盘的长枪短炮,打赢一场又一场闪购的战役。 Forty-year-old Niu Sister 45 years old, but hooked on the flash purchase, the unit’s colleagues are laughing at her “old flash ”. Hear this call her, Niu Sister did not like not to worry, only a slight smile, lift chin, said to her colleague: tomorrow you flash one. I and old flash in an office, there is only one network cable, a computer, the computer only attached to a printer, used to apply for a permit. Very few people apply for permits, Niu Sister flash purchase time will be very long. And I could only sat sluggishly to see her call “I shoot”, “I shoot” slogan, like a general, wielding a mouse and keyboard long-gun cannon, winning a fight and A flash shopping campaign.
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对那些集“生态价值、生态脆弱和贫困”三位一体的地区,国家应尽快落实真正意义上的“生态补偿机制”。科学发展观不仅是需要地方政府作出调整。 For those areas where the
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