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创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是一个政党永葆生机活力的源泉。就企业的思想政治工作来说,创新是新形势的必然要求,是增强思想政治工作时代感的根本出路。随着社会主义市场经济进一步深化,企业思想政治工作只有在继承优良传统的基础上不断创新,才能适应新形势发展的需要,更好地发挥作用,使思想政治工作与中国特色现代企业制度的发展同频共振。现结合工作实际,就如何创新企业的思想政治工作 Innovation is the soul of a nation’s progress, an inexhaustible motive force for the prosperity of a country, and a source for its political parties to maintain their vitality forever. As far as the ideological and political work in enterprises is concerned, innovation is an inevitable requirement of the new situation and a fundamental way out to enhance the sense of the times in ideological and political work. With the further deepening of the socialist market economy, the ideological and political work in enterprises can only be adapted to the needs of the new situation and development, and can give full play to its role in keeping the ideological and political work with the development of the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics only through continuous innovation based on the inheritance of fine traditions The same frequency resonance. Now with the actual work, how to innovate the ideological and political work of enterprises
据说,在沸腾的都市中,还有一种很清新的地方可以避暑休憩,那就是远离喧嚣,去茶园坐坐。下班后,挥去汗水,走进了“和静园”这一静谧之地。rn 茶道历史悠远,如今也融进了现代人的气
摘 要:文章主要从语法的角度分析了怀远方言中两个特色介词"走"和"[lou313]"。  关键词:介词;走;句法  怀远方言内部分为南北两个小片,南片有入声属于江淮官话洪巢片,北片无入声属于中原官话。通过笔者的调查发现,怀远方言中的"走"、"[lou313]"作为介词使用时极具地方特色。  介词是汉语系统中非常重要的一部分。近年来,现代汉语方言介词研究也成为方言研究领域的热点之一,如潘悟云的《温州
浙江省主要统计数字一览表(2001年7月) List of Main Statistics of Zhejiang Province (July 2001)