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水田土壤由于排灌不当,土壤渍水时间过长,常常会出现次生潜育化现象。这种水田,在我省分布面积很多,据第二次土壤普查,桃源县占稻田面积40%左右,临浬县占30%,其他各地分布不少,对我省水稻生产影响很大,一般每亩减产三、四百斤,严重的达五、六百斤,成为粮食发展的障碍,必须加以防治。现将次生潜育化水稻土的成因、危害及防治的研究分述如后。 一、次生潜育化水稻土的成因 次生潜育化水稻土的成因主要有下列两方面: (一)田内有渍水 根据湖堰大队鲁家、青龙等生产队调查,凡低于水库、池塘、渠道附近的田或地势较低的田,由于有灌无排或是排渠间隔,太宽或太浅,从而使整块田面有滞水,土壤发生次生潜育化。 (二)耕作制度不合适 据官沟,青龙等生产队的调查,长年双季稻绿肥板田越冬,没有经过秋冬耕冻垡晒垡,土壤长期处于湿润状态,次生潜育化严重,轮作一年双季稻油菜或小麦的田,次生潜育化较轻,特别是种过春黄豆的田,次生潜育化已完全消失。 Paddy soil due to improper irrigation and drainage, soil waterlogging time is too long, often secondary gleaming phenomenon. According to the second soil census, Taoyuan County accounts for about 40% of the paddy field area, and Lintao County accounts for 30% of the total paddy field area. There are many other places in the paddy fields, which have a great impact on rice production in our province. Generally, A decrease of three or four catties per mu and a serious increase of five or six catties have become obstacles to food development and must be prevented and dealt with. Now the secondary gleization of paddy soil causes, hazards and prevention and control of the research described below. First, the secondary goby paddy soil causes secondary gleization of paddy soil causes mainly in the following two aspects: (A) there is waterlogging in the field According to Huguang, Dragon Team and other production team survey, where lower than the reservoir Ponds, channels near the field or lower fields, due to irrigation or drainage row interval, too wide or too shallow, so that there is stagnant water throughout the field, the soil secondary gnosis. (II) Tillage system is not suitable According to the investigation conducted by the production teams such as Gougou and Qinglong, the long-term double cropping rice manure paddy field is overwintered, and the soil is not wetted with autumn and winter for a long time. The soil is long-term wetted with serious secondary g- Crop rotation for one-year double crop of rape or wheat field, secondary gleaning less light, especially the spring soybean fields, secondary gleization has completely disappeared.
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