The Construction Strategy of Efficient English Teaching in Junior High School

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  【Abstract】The so-called “efficient teaching” means that in a limited teaching time, the teacher has a highly efficient “teaching” and the student have efficiently “learning”, that is, using the shortest teaching time to help the student master as much cultural knowledge as possible, thus, achieving the greatest teaching effectiveness. With the implementation of the new curriculum standard, more and more educators and parents have begun to pay attention to the quality of English teaching. How to actively improve the teaching strategy and construct an effective junior high school English teaching has become an important topic for English educators, parents and even the society.
  【Key words】Junior high School; Efficient English teaching; Construction strategy
  【作者簡介】 高新凤,湖北省洪湖市园林中学。
  As, the teaching activities need the joint participation of both teachers and students. Similarly, the construction of effective English teaching is inseparable from the effective guidance of teachers and the active cooperation of students. Only in a lively atmosphere of teaching, students can actively participate in the teaching process to achieve an effective teaching result.
  1. Making a connection between the teaching and the life
  In junior high school English teaching, it is necessary to link English teaching with daily life, to use the daily life information to drive the students to learn English knowledge. This kind of teaching strategy enables students to learn English actively. Being connected with things in life can make the English knowledge easy to accept, and enable students to actually experience the culture of English in life.
  Take New People’s Education, the Eight Grade BookⅠas the example. In the leading part, the teacher can ask the students to list out their favorite sports in life and talk about the reasons. Some students said: “ I like playing badminton, because it can keep my health fit and make friends.” “I like playing basketball, because it can make me grow taller.” Some students said: “I like to swim, it can make my body more symmetrical.” Each student expressed his love for the sport. Moreover, through the discussion of their favorite sports in life, the students can be more active and enthusiastic in the classroom, which leading a foundation for the following teaching, helping the teacher to conduct a high efficient teaching.
  2. Setting up a teaching situation
  The situational teaching method, refer to the teachers’ intentional introduction or creation of vivid and concrete scenes with a certain emotional color and image as the subject in the teaching process, so as to arouse a certain degree of student experience to help them understand the teaching materials and developed their learning abilities.
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“最美”一词,最近频频出现在网络媒体上。虽然主角都是普通百姓,但他们在奉献爱心的一瞬间,却像一个美丽的天使,照亮了一座城市。  一个人可以感动一座城市。无论哪个城市,对于“最美草根”的出现,都焕发出前所未有的热情。万人追寻,全城传颂。他们说:我们这里人,个个是雷锋!他们说:遇到这种事,我也往前冲!爱心从这里传递,激情从这里点燃。  一个人可以照亮一座城市。在一座城市里,一个人只是“一个点”,但在某
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白岩松出生在内蒙古一个边远小城,8岁那年,父亲不幸辞世,母亲用坚强和隐忍挑起了这个风雨飘摇的家。贫寒的家庭环境磨砺了白岩松吃苦耐劳、敢于迎接挑战的坚强性格。1985年,17岁的白岩松以优异成绩考入北京广播学院(现中国传媒大学)。大学毕业后,他被分配到中央人民广播电台《中国广播报》担任编辑、记者。在这里,白岩松找到了一份永恒的爱情。  那是1990年8月的一个午后,天空飘着雾一样的雨丝,白岩松撑着伞
在中山公园,经常可以看到一些精神矍铄的老人用清水在地上写毛笔字。过往的行人,有的伫足在观看,有的则在回首之时露出赞叹的目光。写字的人,大多旁若无人,挥毫泼“水”,点折撇捺,或娟秀,或狂放,或遒劲有力,或飘逸洒脱,风格各异,都颇具功底。这些字一般保留的时间都不长,往往后面还在写,前面的已经了无痕迹了。  刚开始我还以为都是些业余书法爱好者,退休之后以此来消磨时光,颐养天年。有天朋友指着不远处假山旁正