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我成长起来,迅速学会了独自应对一切,从此兵来将挡,水来土掩。【2010年,秋】2010年初秋,我和葡萄一头扎进了青岛传说中的秋老虎。整个晚上都蒙着一层湿漉漉的汗水追蚊子,一分钟没睡成。于是万分羡慕邻铺的妹子,把蚊子的飞行当成催眠曲,竟然睡得打起小鼾。葡萄坐在上铺看着我,同样没睡,但也不说话,动中求静。第二天一大早,我顶着熊猫眼问葡萄,怎么办呢?她叹口气,跳下床来去了盥洗室,用冷水 I grew up and quickly learned to deal with everything alone, from the soldiers to be blocked, the water to cover. 【2010, Autumn】 In the early autumn of 2010, I plunged into the autumn tiger in Qingdao legend with grapes. The whole night covered with a layer of wet sweat to chase mosquitoes, did not sleep for a minute. So extremely envious of the shop sister, the mosquito flight as a lullaby, even sleep snoring. Sitting in the top of the grapes looked at me, the same did not sleep, but do not speak, moving in for quiet. Early the next morning, I asked the grapes panda eyes, how to do? She sighed, jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom, with cold water
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农历六月初六,是我国农村的民俗节日。这天也是我国各民族传统节日最多的日子。虽是在同一天过“节”,但内容各不相同,饶有情趣。  晒红绿每逢六月六日这天,正值酷热的“伏天”,民间有“晒伏”的习俗。就是经过梅雨天气后,家家户户将箱底的红绿各色衣服,拿到太阳下曝晒,以防霉烂、虫蛀、藏垢,亦称“晒衣节”。  晒龙节相传此节起源于汉代。汉代建章宫之北有太液池,池西有汉武帝的“暖衣阁”。六月六日这天,宫女便“登