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美国零售商业巨头沃尔玛公司创始人沃尔顿曾说:“我创立沃尔玛的最初灵感,来自中国的一家古老商号,它的名字来源于传说中的一种可以带来金钱的昆虫。”这“古老商号”,就是曾经红极一时的百年老字号瑞蚨祥。在清末民初,“身穿瑞蚨祥”,是最光彩、最体面的事了。沃尔顿所指的“带来金钱的昆虫”就是“瑞蚨祥”中的“蚨”,这是传说中的昆虫。它形似蝉,如果被人偷走了卵,不管多远母蚨也能找到藏卵的地方。如果用蚨的血涂钱,即使钱花出去,还能再飞回来。因此,蚨成了财源永远茂盛的象征。名字起得好,瑞蚨祥经营也非同一般。电视剧《东方商人》的主人公就是瑞蚨祥的掌门人孟洛川。他缔造了一个名贯四海的商业帝国,演绎了一段东方商人的传奇故事。从十九世纪末、二十世纪初开始,孟洛川以雄伟的魄力,先后在济南、北京、青岛、天津等地相继开设了瑞蚨祥分店,往几十年的时间内,孟洛川凭借经营奇才在创业路上春风得意,一马平川。综合分析一下瑞蚨祥的历史,可以发现其经营秘诀有三: Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, the retail giant in the United States, once said: “I initially founded Wal-Mart and came from an ancient Chinese firm whose name came from the legendary insect that can bring money.” This “ancient Firm ”is the once-in-a-hundred-year-old Rui Xiang. In the late Qing dynasty and early Republic of China, “wearing Rui Xiang” is the most brilliant, the most decent thing. What Walton refers to as “the insect that brings money” is “蚨” in “Rui Xiang”, which is the legendary insect. It looks like a cicada, if someone stole the egg, no matter how far the mother can find the place to hide eggs. If you use the blood of the money, even if the money is spent, you can fly back. Therefore, 蚨 became a symbol of prosperity forever. The name played well, Rui Xiang business is not unusual. The protagonist of the drama “Oriental Merchants” is Rui Xiang Xiang’s head Meng Luochuan. He created a universally-acclaimed business empire that deduced a legend of a Oriental businessman. From the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, Meng Luochuan, with its majestic courage, successively set up Ruixiangxiang branches in Jinan, Beijing, Qingdao and Tianjin successively. Over the past few decades, On the road proud of the spring breeze. A comprehensive analysis of Rui Xiang history, we can find that the operating tips are three:
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