来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bzah123
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The nonlinear dynamics of the lateral micro-resonator including the air damping effect is researched. The air damping force is varied periodically during the resonator oscillating, and the air damp coefficient can not be fixed as a constant. Therefore the linear dynamic analysis which used the constant air damping coefficient can not describe the actual dynamic characteristics of the mi-cro-resonator. The nonlinear dynamic model including the air damping force is established. On the base of Navier-Stokes equation and nonlinear dynamical equation, a coupled fluid-solid numerical simulation method is developed and demonstrates that damping force is a vital factor in micro-comb structures. Compared with existing experimental result, the nonlinear numerical value has quite good agreement with it. The differences of the amplitudes (peak) between the experimental data and the results by the linear model and the nonlinear model are 74.5% and 6% respectively. Nonlinear nu-merical value is more exact than linear value and the method can be applied in other mi-cro-electro-mechanical systeme (MEMS) structures to simulate the dynamic performance. The nonlinear dynamics of the lateral micro-resonator including the air damping effect is researched. The air damping force is a unique periodically during the resonator oscillating, and the air damp coefficient can not be fixed as a constant. constant nonlinear damping coefficient can not describe the actual dynamic characteristics of the mi-cro-resonator. The nonlinear dynamic model including the air damping force is established. On the base of Navier-Stokes equation and nonlinear dynamical equation, a coupled fluid-solid numerical simulation method is developed and demonstrates that damping force is a vital factor in micro-comb structures. Compared with existing experimental result, the nonlinear numerical value has quite good agreement with it. The differences of the amplitudes (peak) between the experimental data and the results by the linear model and the nonlinear models are 74.5% and 6% respectively. Nonlinear nu-merical value is more exact than linear value and the method can be applied in other mi-cro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) structures to simulate the dynamic performance.
自锁粘接刀具是综合了机夹和焊接刀具的优点而设计的。由于它具有优良的力学性能和耐冲击性,能提高生产效率,取得了一定的经济效果,因而引起各地机械行业的重 Self-adhesiv
韩国作为深受儒教伦理影响的东方国家,素以节俭、重视储蓄而闻名于世,家庭储蓄曾是韩国经济起飞时资本形成的重要源泉。上世纪六七十年代,经济一跃成为亚洲四小龙之一。然而不曾想到的是,1997年金融危机后,韩国强调储蓄的社会气氛完全消失,导致家庭负债急剧增加。  据韩国银行2012年4月19日发布的《金融稳定报告》,截至2011年底,韩国家庭负债余额为912.9万亿韩元(约合人民币5.05万亿元),这相当
6月21日至23日,中华慈善总会会长李本公、秘书长边志伟等,在辽宁省瓦房店市进行工作调研。实地考察了瓦房店市慈善事业发展情况和“贫困骨病患者救治项目”实施情况,参观了瓦房店市慈善功德馆。22日,出席“贫困骨病患者救治项目”座谈会,听取瓦房店市慈善总会、北京军区某部骨病专科医院院长宫恩年关于这个项目情况的介绍,以及5位受贫困救治骨病患者的体会和感言。  “贫困骨病患者救治项目”是瓦房店市连续实施了5
在用有机玻璃制成的背斜和断层二维模型上,采用等炮检距的特殊观测方法,进行了 P 波和 P—SV 转换波的同时观测。结果获得了相当清晰的 P—SV 转换波,并首次获得了转换绕射波