Settling the Score

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  Kevin: Good afternoon, thank you for calling the Friends of Eco-Farming Foundation. This is Kevin speaking, how can I direct your call?
  Emma: Hi, Kevin. Do you guys have an HR department or someone that handles complaints?
  Kevin: Um, miss, I’m sorry, but we’re a non-profit organization. Complaints aren’t usually something that flow through here in high volumes.
  Emma: ①Be that as it may, I would still like to make a complaint. Who can I speak with?
  Kevin: Well, I guess I’m as good as any. What seems to be the problem, ma’am?
  Emma: Are you familiar with the supposed survey your foundation is running?
  Kevin: Supposed? Miss, I 1)resent the 2)implication of your tone.
  Emma: Yeah, well, if the shoe fits…
  Kevin: Look, ma’am, I’m trying to be as polite as I can be here, but you need to give me something to work with. I have no idea what you’re even upset about. How can I help you if you won’t even lay out the issue for me?
  Emma: Fine. ②Let me spell this out for you. That “survey” you’re running? It’s nothing but a 3)scam to get contact information.
  Kevin: Ma’am, I can safely assure you that it is most definitely not. Our foundation is 4)adamant about keeping contact information out of the hands of third parties.
  Emma: ③That’s a load of crap! I haven’t been able to get a moment’s peace since that 5)jerk downtown 6)weaseled my info out of me.
  Kevin: ④Hold on a second, let’s back up. Did you say downtown?
  Emma: Yes. Why?
  Kevin: Oh dear. Ma’am, I apologize. Everything is clear now. I know exactly the boy you’re talking about. Short brown hair, green eyes, glasses?
  Emma: You’ve 7)nailed him.
  Kevin: Oh miss, I truly apologize. That boy was selling the information without our 8)consent or knowledge and pocketing the profits. He’s been 9)sacked.
  Emma: Really? Well…wow. I guess that solves my problem. I’ll get my number changed.
  Kevin: And please be sure to send us the 10)receipts—we’ll cover any costs.
  Emma: Well Kevin, thank you very much.
  Kevin: Not at all.
  Smart Sentences
  ① Be that as it may, I would still like to make a complaint. 就算是这样,我也要投诉。
  be that as it may: expression used to indicate the facts concerning sth. of no importance(即使如此)。例如:
  Those colours are terrible! Be that as it may, I still need one pair of socks.
  ② Let me spell this out for you. 我给你详细说说。
  spell sth. out: explain sth. in detail(详细解释某事)。例如:
  He is green to this, and you need to spell it out for him.
  ③ That’s a load of crap! 胡说八道!
  a load of sth.: a quantity of sth.(大量,许多)。例如:
  This article is a load of rubbish.
  ④ Hold on a second, let’s back up. 等一下,我们倒回去。
  back up: move backward in time(往后退)。例如:
  Because they didn’t understand, he backed up and explained the first two steps again.
在我们国家,多年来的高考一直呈现的是干军万马过独木桥的状况,大多数人都想通过这个考试,实现自己对梦想的追求。而我们知道,书中不仅有“干钟粟”,书中还有“颜如玉”。在遥远的美国,对有一部分想上大学的女孩子来说, “颜如玉”便成了“金老公”。因为她们来到高等学府,不是为了继续学业,而是为了找
撰稿:Angie Pinchbeck/肝脑涂地翻译:一叶  年末又至,很多人进入了疯狂的购物阶段,而团购成了越来越多人的购物首选,因为团购具有令人难以抗拒的诱惑——司F就是团购价格往往低于产品的市场零售价。  然而,我们不能因为物美价廉,就不顾自己的实际需要和经济承受能力,看到什么东西优惠就团购什么。团购前,我们需要列个购物清单,根据自己的预算,熟悉所需要产品的性价比,克服不相关产品优惠价格的诱惑
[CD Track 3/MP3一03】  每年12月23日晚上,都会有数千人聚集在墨西哥的瓦哈卡市主广场上,举行一场别开生面的萝r雕刻大赛,人们在萝卜上雕刻出各式各样的形象庆祝耶稣的诞生。萝卜之夜不仅是一场声势浩大的销售宣传,还是一个创意无限的艺术展览;不仅是一份贴近自然的新鲜体验,还是人们一年一度的节日狂欢。我们不妨走近来体验一下。我听说过冰雕比赛,但是雕萝?
对付街头骗术,你或许早有一手,可有一种隐形骗术,你可得留个心眼了。Emma就深受其害。这类骗局,往往是通过骗取你的个人信息并出卖给第三方,以此获取利益。因此,在捂住自己钱包的同时,也要时刻警惕,不要轻易留下自己的个人信息。    1)Campaigner: ①Hi there, do you have a quick moment?  Emma: Um, sure, can I help you?
A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 听音识鸟,闻言识人。  Birds in their little nests agree. 同巢之鸟心儿齐。  Cats hide their claws. 知人知面不知心。  Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. 不要过早乐观。 
作为“番茄控”一枚,小编我在生活里一日不可无番茄。尽管如今的番茄吃起来,怎么也找不到小时候那种原滋原味。蜂蜜们,不知你们有没有发现这一点呢?  到底番茄的番茄味是如何逐渐消失的?就让我们在本期的《无限播客》栏目里,跟随科学家一探究竟。  Audie Cornish: We’re going to take a few minutes to talk about the state of the m
1 have tO admit it is sOmetimes nOt even easvtO find the mOtiVatiOn tO get Out Of bed,pull On yOurrunninq shOes and head Out intO the mOminq tO qOfOr anOther run These last twO weeks Of traininafOr t