High power dual-wavelength tunable fiber laser in linear and ring cavity configurations

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:f2062325
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We describe and compare the performances of two crucial configurations for a tunable dual-wavelength fiber laser, namely, the linear and ring configurations. The performances of these two cavities and the tunability in the dual-wavelength output varied from 0.8 to 11.9 nm are characterized. The ring cavity provides a better performance, achieving an average output power of 0.5 dBm, with a power fluctuation of only 1.1 dB and a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 66 dB. Moreover, the ring cavity has minimal or no background amplified spontaneous emission (ASE). We describe and compare the performances of two crucial configurations for a tunable dual-wavelength fiber laser, namely, linear and ring configurations. The performances of these two cavities and the tunability in the dual-wavelength output varied from 0.8 to 11.9 nm are characterized . The ring cavity provides a better performance, achieving an average output power of 0.5 dBm, with a power fluctuation of only 1.1 dB and a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 66 dB. background amplified spontaneous emission (ASE).
我厂直线电镀一步的镀铬槽上,当镀件出:入槽的瞬间,5KA 的镀铬整流柜,给出一个很大的冲击电流,它的冲击值超过正常使用值的2~3倍,直接影响了产品质量。多年来为减小电流冲击
受国家机械委的委托,由天津大学主持于1988年2月5日在天津召开了原机械部下达给天津内燃机研究所的研制课题“ZDC—9000W 直流电力测功器”的鉴定会。与会代表认为,该测功器
凯特匹勒公司专家Kirt Supplitt在法兰西斯科货车展览会的学术讨论会上说,今后仍将在目前的柴油机基础上继续有所发展。由于激烈的竞争,到2000年前,发展的步伐会加快。优先