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目前全區正在開展着的清匪反惡霸減租退押運動,是我川北上千萬農民起來打掉封建枷鎖求得解放的一個偉大的羣眾運動。由於這件事情是農民自己的事情,而且是一件天大的事情,所以一開始就應該非常明確地緊緊掌握大胆放手發動農民自已起來解放自己這一總的原則。爲此,首先要注重三個間題:第一、要充分地從思想上發動農民,使農民思想遂步革命化,各地經驗證明:祇要農民思想上提高了階級覺悟,他就能打破‘命運’‘良心’‘情面’等等舊觀點,敢於‘撕破臉’和地主階級進行面對面的鬥爭,不會或不容容易敵人收買、軟化、欺騙或挑撥離間。祇要農民思想上掌握了政策,體會了政策的基本精神,又有了政權和武裝,他就更能不怕‘打黑槍’不怕任何艱險,敢於以主人翁的姿態和敵人堅決鬥爭到底。並且有辦法控制敵人,擊破敵人的一切陰謀花樣。 At present, the Qinghai bandit-anti-bullying, rent-reduction and escort movement that is under way in the entire region is a great mass movement that has helped tens of millions of farmers in north Sichuan to smash their feudal shackles and liberate them. Since this incident is a peasant’s own affair and a great undertaking, we should at the very outset and firmly grasp the general principle of boldly letting go and launching the peasants themselves and liberating themselves. To this end, we must first focus on three questions: first, we must fully mobilize peasants ideologically and revolutionize peasant ideology in turn. Experience in various places has proved that as long as peasants raise their class consciousness, they can break their destiny ’Conscience’ and ’affection’ and so forth. They dare to ’tear through the face’ and fight the face-to-face struggle with the landlord class. They will not or will not easily buy, soften, cheat or sneak the enemy off. As long as the peasants have mastered the policies ideologically, have realized the basic spirit of the policies and enjoyed the power and armed forces, they are even less afraid of ’playing black guns’ and are not afraid of any difficulties or dangers. They dare to fight resolutely in the stature of their masters with their enemies. And there are ways to control the enemy, breaking all the enemy’s plot.
摘 要:专业集群建设是地方普通本科高校向应用型大学转变的基本要求,也是服务地方经济发展的必由之路。本文以洛阳理工学院先进装备制造集群专业集群建设为例,探讨先进装备制