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这几年,母亲一直喊牙疼,带她看牙医,医生说,你妈的牙齿就像老树根,全腐烂了,怎么不疼?我问他有什么好办法,医生轻描淡写地说,拔!拔过一个牙齿后,疼痛依旧,没办法,接着拔,还是疼。最后我索性对母亲说,都坏了,镶一口烤瓷牙吧。母亲心疼钱,但一想到牙疼时疼得要命,便答应了。就这样,母亲在我的劝说下,在牙医的鼓动下,拔了8颗牙,一个月后,镶了6颗烤瓷牙,母亲咧着雪白的牙齿呵呵笑,逢人就夸,还是自己时尚,老了还整一口2000多块的牙齿,不“OUT”。一个月后,母亲给我打来电话,说是牙痛又犯了。老妈说,这一次疼得特厉害,她都“ In recent years, my mother has been shouting toothache, took her to the dentist, the doctor said your mother’s teeth are like old roots, all rotten, how not hurt? I asked him what a good way, the doctor casually said, pulling After pulling a tooth, the pain is still, no way, then pull, or pain. Finally, I simply said to my mother, are broken, set a porcelain teeth it. Her mother was distressed, but agreed that she had a terrible pain when she had a toothache. In this way, my mother, under my persuasion, under the guidance of the dentist, pulled eight teeth, a month later, set with six porcelain teeth, the mother grin white teeth Oh laugh, everyone praised, or myself Fashionable, old but also a whole mouth more than 2000 pieces of teeth, not ”OUT “. A month later, my mother called me and said it was a toothache and committed another one. Mom said that this time pain is particularly powerful, she is ”
burst into laughter 突然大笑  crack a smile 展颜微笑,莞尔一笑   explode with laughter 哄堂大笑   force a smile 强作欢颜  burst into gales of laughter 爆发出阵阵笑声   grin with delight 高兴得咧嘴而笑  a hearty burst of laughter 一阵爽朗的欢
房室传导的空隙现象(the phenomenon of gap)是指在心动周期中存在一个间隙带,其间到达的冲动受到阻滞不能下传。作者在对病人行食管调搏时发现6例房室传导空隙现象,现将典