
来源 :读与写(教育教学刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shgandang
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随着我国小学教育师资培养日趋高教化,高职院校初等教育专业成为培养小学教育师资的重要基地,承担着培养高素质小学教育师资的重要任务。教学技能是教师职业的核心能力,教学技能的培养则是教师教育的核心任务。本文以吉安职业技术学院初等教育专业为例,对其学生教学技能的培养状况进行调查,研究影响学生教学技能的因素,并提出改进学生教学技能培养现状的对策。 With the gradual increase of teacher education in primary schools in our country, the primary education in higher vocational colleges has become an important base for training primary school teachers and shoulders the important task of training qualified teachers in primary education. Teaching skills are the core competence of teachers’ occupation, and the cultivation of teaching skills is the core task of teacher education. Taking Ji’an Vocational and Technical College of Primary Education as an example, this paper investigates the cultivation of students’ teaching skills, investigates the factors that affect students’ teaching skills, and puts forward some countermeasures to improve students’ teaching skills.
Objective.CDX2 is an intestinal transcription factor that might be involved in the regulation of proliferation and differentiation of intestinal epithelial cell
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。2004年中国贸促会机械行业分会出国展览计划 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view
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