
来源 :中国水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jica330
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养殖者一般喜欢放养体长10cm以上的石斑鱼鱼苗,10cm以下的则因饵料等其它问题不易解决,培养不易。但由于大个体的鱼苗越来越不易获得,其价格也日益高涨,因此很迫切需要培育个体较小如2cm左右幼鱼,以便使养殖者从鱼苗数量上和经济效益上能找到一条理想的、可行的新路子。 一、培育方法 进行培育的幼鱼要求体健、活泼、活动力强,无伤鱼和病鱼。如果鱼苗中有头大、体弱、皮破、断烂尾,以及双目盲者,则均要挑出弃之。石斑鱼为凶猛的肉食性鱼类,如鱼苗规格不整齐,大小悬殊时,会造成互相残食的现象,故须按大小筛选分养。目前主要的培育养殖方法有: 1.陆上池塘培育:陆地池塘培育是在沙质底或岩礁的浅滩围筑成鱼池,设闸门,利用海水涨落进行池水交换,或是利用机械提水方式来进行培育。 为了便于管理,提高成活率,培育的池子一般不宜太大,以5亩左右最为合适。放苗前,池底杂藻、淤泥必须清除干净,用茶粕、敌百虫、生石灰、漂白粉等彻底清塘后,才能放水进塘。水深要求1.5m,调整好比重、酸碱度,适当做好水 Farmers generally like to stock more than 10cm body length of grouper fry, 10cm below the other due to other problems such as food is not easy to solve, cultivation is not easy. However, since the fry of large individuals are getting harder and harder to obtain and their prices are also rising day by day, there is an urgent need to cultivate juveniles as small as 2 cm or so in order to enable the farmer to find an ideal, Feasible new path. First, the nurturing methods to nurture juvenile demanding physical health, lively, strong activity, no injuries fish and diseased fish. If the fry have big head, frail, broken skin, broken end, and blind eyes, they have to pick out abandoned. Grouper ferocious carnivorous fish, such as irregular fry specifications, the size of disparities, will result in the phenomenon of mutual residual food, it must be sorted according to the size of sub-feeding. At present, the main cultivation and breeding methods are as follows: 1. Terrestrial pond cultivation: Terrestrial pond cultivation is carried out by enclosing fish ponds on the sandy bottom or rocky shoal banks, setting up gates, using seawater fluctuation for water exchange, or utilizing mechanical pumping To nurture. In order to facilitate management, improve survival rate, nurturing the pool in general should not be too large, to about 5 acres most appropriate. Fangmiao before the bottom of the algae, silt must be cleaned up, with tea meal, trichlorfon, quicklime, bleach and other thoroughly clear pond, in order to release water into the pond. Water depth requirements of 1.5m, adjust the proportion, pH, proper water
从鱼类的微生态原理、抗菌药物对微生态平衡的拮抗作用以及鱼用微生态制剂等三个方面概述了微生态学在鱼类疾病防治中的基本原理及其应用。 The basic principle and its ap
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