One modified method of characteristics used to analyze the multiconductor transmission lines

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdnuwjz
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To solve the coupling effect of multiconductor transmission lines excited by external electromagnetic wave, the modified method of characteristics is proposed. The modified method of characteristics which can compute the terminal induced voltages excited by the external electromagnetic wave when the terminal networks or interconnection networks contain the dynamic elements is introduced. The simulation results indicate that the modified method can analyze the terminal induced voltages when the terminal networks or the interconnection networks contain the dynamic elements excited by the external electromagnetic wave. And the results are compared with the results acquired by FDTD method, the two results are completely same. So one effective modified method is implemented to compute the transmission lines. To solve the coupling effect of multiconductor transmission lines excited by external electromagnetic wave, the modified method of characteristics is proposed. The modified method of characteristics which can compute the terminal induced voltages excited by the external electromagnetic wave when the terminal networks or interconnection networks contain the The simulation results indicate that the modified method can analyze the terminal induced voltages when the terminal networks or the interconnection networks contain the dynamic elements excited by the external electromagnetic wave. And the results are compared with the results acquired by the FDTD method , the two results are completely same. So one effective modified method is implemented to compute the transmission lines.
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